Chapter Nineteen pt 4

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This bubbly, expressive nature of the demon servant already had created discomfort in Drokn who had only seen them with an empty mask. Now, they claim to betray the king? His mind could barely process. Bits of his past continued to unravel into new truths, and he was left to question, what exactly had been real?

"You work under the king, why should I trust you?" Drokn sneered, distrusting not only the demon servant, but reality itself.

K'ra made the motion of a soundless chuckle and jotted onto their paper. [You may not know, but], they handed the note over to Drokn and continued to write while the other read. [Most of us at the castle despise the king.]

As Drokn finished the last of the sentence, his gaze drifted upwards to see the innocently smiling demon. "Why?" he asked, his voice taking an upward turn. Drokn was told that the position of king was a position of power. To show your power means displaying resistance to defiance from others. The world is run by those with power, survival of the strongest, and those with power should and would be looked up upon and fawned over by those lower.

Then why did this servant claim that the king was not respected, but despised?

At his question, K'ra made a questioning face as if he were the one with absurdity. Placing three fingers on their forehead, they shook their head with upturned brows of pity. [Why do you think?]

A little thought later, Drokn voiced his speculation. "Did he not treat the palace staff well, either? Were you underpaid?"

One brow pressed even tighter, creating a deeper crease, they exaggerated a look of weariness. Scribbling back on their pad, once they finished, they brought the whole pad closer for Drokn to see. On it, a question that bound Drokn in a state of loss: [Why are you trying to defeat the king?]

The next page:

[What exactly do you plan to accomplish after?]


That night, the three travelers took shelter in K'ra's home. Vrona followed K'ra to their room to further discuss, catch up, and plan. Meanwhile, two thin sleeping mats were laid on the floor in the shared living space, leaving Drokn and Eial to themselves and their thoughts.

A lantern light glowed not too far from where they sat side by side on their floor beds, occasionally flickering by a ghost's wind, prepared to be put out at their timing and desire. Deep in thought, Drokn's eyes pierced through the flame, but not seeing the yellow of its shine. Suddenly, a warmth touched his cape-less shoulder and a soft voice resonated within his ear.

"Are you alright?" the voice asked sweetly.

At that moment, Drokn realized he hadn't heard the elf's voice the whole time they were at this home. Turning to face him, he noticed Eial had a look of concern for him, yet spared no concern for himself. How was the elf feeling? He was in a home surrounded by demons once again. "Are—," he started, clearing his throat. "Are you alright?"

Eial's hand drifted down to the seam of Drokn's top, pinching, searching for fabric to twindle between his fingers. But the fabric stuck too close to the demon's skin, so his hand retracted back to his own cloak, rubbing his fingers between the loose fabric. "To be honest with you, I'm worried," he said, looking at his fingers in action. "What if we are attacked again? What if we're caught?" Looking up, Eial's new found smile glimmered in the lantern light, a yellow glow reflecting on his eyes. "Thank you for asking."

Drokn's heart definitely did not jump at the show of gratitude, nor did it stutter at the elf's beauty in the dim lit night. Faking a cough, Drokn swallowed dry and turned away. "I don't exactly trust her, either," he replied, attempting to phase out his beating heart. "But you go ahead and sleep. I don't feel too tired. I'll stay awake and keep an eye out."

Eial swerved his body in a way his torso paralleled with the demon's, his left hand reached out to find a place on the floor to the other side of the demon's torso, and he looked into the amber eyes of his companion face to face. "I've told you what worries me. Perhaps you will share your worries now?"

Breathing out a sigh of defeat, his mind back to the thoughts that clouded him, Drokn crossed his arms beneath his head and flattened himself to lie on the ground. Simultaneously, Eial moved again, twisting away and laying on his back beside his companion.

"My goal is to defeat the king and claim the throne. And I'm willing to do anything to make it happen and make him grovel at my feet." Drokn smiled wickedly at the thought, but that smile was short lived and quickly, it fell. "But... what next? I'll defeat him... and then what?"

Eial looked from Drokn to the ceiling, his mind collectively wandering on the matter. "Did you not wish to be king?"

"That is the goal, but... something feels missing. Was I supposed to accomplish something as king? Don't I just live in the title, to sustain the balance of power among the demons?" Drokn remembered he had been tutored about economics, supply, and the such. He'd assume he'd take a role in managing that, as well. Although, most of the work would be sent to others. Unfulfilled, the future had started to seem.

"Hmm, I'm not sure exactly what the role of the king is. Would asking mother help?" suggested Eial.

"She wouldn't know," the demon blurted, but truthfully, perhaps she would have some insight. However, his pride would not admit it aloud. He barely admitted it within himself.

Turning around, Drokn laid on his stomach, shoving his hands under the pillow that was provided. He twisted his face to the right, eyeing the elf who looked back. What an odd thing to do, speaking of his feelings and thoughts. Something he'd rarely experienced until meeting the elf. Slowly, he took a hand out from under and reached down, capturing the elf's hand and gliding it up to hold gently between them.

The peace shared between the two had dissipated their uneasiness, unintentionally lowering their guard. With the muffled silence in the background of the lively demons just on the opposite side of the wall, both the demon and the elf fell into a restful slumber under their shared gaze.

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