Chapter Nineteen pt 3

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The palace servants at the royalty's home had a face of a blur, same uniforms, nothing to take note of or make any of them uniquely special. The ones who used to attend the former demon prince personally were no different. All the same, living for their duty as a worker in the palace, melding into the shadows. However, despite their existence of no significance, frequent visits would build some familiarity. Such as happened with the prince.

The demon prince had a servant for many years who would come to change the beds, tidy the space. They were an average height, with short horns, neck cropped brown hair tied back, and black pants loose fitted. Fluttering around the room in silence, a vanishing presence, the demon came to not mind this particular servant. Quiet as they were, giving him peace, undistracting.

And somehow, here they were, standing next to the demoness in front of Drokn with a suspicious stare of their own, but inviting the three new visitors inside nonetheless. A palace dog, someone was had been employed by the same king he was determined to defeat, was in front of him. How was he to take this? On guard, the demon remained outside.

"Don't stay out there," Vrona beckoned. "People will stare. We can explain things inside."

Noticing the increase of people surrounding them, a few glancing their way to find stories for their next gossip, the demon begrudgingly stomped his way in, with the elf to follow.

No one had taken the initiative to sit down inside, except the demoness who at least felt the leisure enough to lean against a wall. The familiar servant looked at Vrona and clocked their head to the side with open eyes, trying to subtly point to the demon with a question.

"It's okay if he knows, K'ra. He's with us now. Got kicked out of the palace," Vrona explained, but with none of the demon's approval.

A glare to Vrona's way, the demon hissed, "I chose to leave!"

The demoness wore a blank expression for a moment until she kicked a foot behind to straighten herself and clasped her hands together in front. "Mhmm. Just like our friend here chose to leave the palace, too! Right after—" Vrona's eyes narrowed behind her smile, "—you were teleported away."

Drokn couldn't understand the meaning behind her look, one that insinuated something. Until—

He looked back at the former servant in front of him, and it clicked. A servant who frequently visited. The inconspicuous placement of certain objects at the edges of a spell circle. The spell circle that had somehow been drawn to blend within the carpet of his room.

Before boiling heat took over him and his words, Vrona noticed the reddening of his eyes and swerved the attention back to her, deflecting his steam. "That's right, I had them help me escape and set up your release. Aren't you glad? You were able to meet Eial because of that."

A mastery of words, Drokn no longer could vent the flame of betrayal inside him. If he were to retort, it would assume his meeting with Eial was unwanted. He glanced to Eial, who tried to hide his presence behind the demon, and then back at the two on the other side, speaking with his glare and bared teeth of his displeasure.

"I know he looks scary, but I promise he's with us," Vrona explained to the stranger. "This is probably just confusing to him. Besides—," Stopping mid sentence, Vrona leaned into the ear of her companion, whispering some words.

When the two separated again, the silent demon servant took a moment to observe Drokn and the hiding figure behind him. Then, as if their whole personality had shifted, their face beamed, a smile radiant and matched only by Eial took over the originally rigid expression. They walked over to Drokn and circled a fist on their chest, looking up with a sympathetic expression. After, they swifty swung behind him and bent their knees until they were eye to eye with the elf.

The elf looked up and met their gaze. His eyes wavered, though the sweet smile from the stranger eased him just slightly. Before the stare off continued, Drokn placed himself in between the two, as if protecting Eial. The silent demon glanced up at the demoness who smirked and quirked a brow. Curving up their own eyes, they returned the understanding with a bright smile.

Straightening themselves back up, they spun Drokn and Eial around with unexpected force to face the same direction and pushed their backs forward. Grabbing each shoulder, they forced them into chairs around a round, wooden table. The sudden movements threw both of them for a loop, and in their honesty, the seat was much appreciated after their long walk, and so they stayed.

With cautious eyes, the two watched the strange demon ruffle around a cabinet and take out a box. They brought the box over and set it in front of the two with a pleased look. Opening the metal hinge, they revealed a small puzzle set, each piece with grooves and curves and the occasional straight edge.

However, instantly their expression became horrified. They smacked their forehead with the palm of their hand and shook their head at themselves. Displaying a finger as if suggesting to wait a moment, the silent demon left the room hurriedly and came back with three cups of water, setting them on the table and gesturing for Vrona to join. Finally, they crossed their arms with satisfaction, nodded, and sat down, themselves.

Taking out a piece of graphite and a pad of paper binded together from a tie at their hip, they started writing, the sound of scratches on parchment filling the open space. [Hello, you can call me K'ra], the paper stated as they lifted up their pad with blackish stained fingers. Writing again, they presented more of their words with a smile. [Like you, I plan to help take down the king.]

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