Chapter Twenty Five pt 2

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When the elf teleported away, he had found himself again outside next to the palace walls in a corner where there was no one else in sight. The last expression he saw of his demon seared in his mind and a wetness glossed in his eyes. He had never seen the demon like such, with his eyes widened, eyebrows scrunched. Eial's chest hurt for more reasons than one, but the shocking vibration in the air distracted him.

Blood rushing through his veins at the unidentifiable cause, Eial tied the knot of his cape well, put on his hood, and observed his surroundings through his magic. Elemental magic scurried in the air, a frazzled buzz. Hands to the dusty floor, Eial let waves of his magic flow, weaving into the earth. He couldn't feel as clearly within the palace, but this...

All around him, there was magic imbued into the ground, condensed, a spark away from an outburst, perhaps as large as the crater they'd seen before. Eial's thin detecting magic spread farther and farther, yet the traces continued. How wide was this magic ingrained into the ground? What exactly was happening?

In an instant, Eial felt a sharp pang, an alertness that stopped his heart for a split moment. Further into town, there was a rift in magic and suddenly, the start of an explosion. Without a second thought, Eial teleported to where his magic felt the source, trusting his instinct. With no care for his surroundings, he instantly shoved his palms against the base of the dirt ground, spreading his magic in a burst.

Before the elf's arrival, the ground within the demon city had already started to rumble and crack. Creases tilting street carts where wheels fell in, water in pots moving in ripples. Prior, the elemental magic everywhere had gone unnoticed with the subtlety. If anything, assuming it was the elements of nature itself. At the growing influx and change, the demons started to leave their homes in curious gazes. Some flew, taking security in the skies.

So, when the sudden figure appeared from thin air, every demon in the area took witness. Gaping mouths and anxious stares and glances as they saw the being, hands to the ground. Instantaneously the rumbling of the earth grew soft.

Was there enough magic? Ignorant to the gazes and attention, he focused on what was present in front of him, underneath him. Eial tied his own magic around with the existing strange one, winning over the frazzled elements with his own. However, the magic underground seemed to be spread in veins, with condensed portions scattered throughout. In the next moment, the surrounding areas of condensed magic started their explosions, as well.

With a yelp, Eial blasted his magic further, trying to contain the ruinage. The force of his magic rushed air and energy against him, his cape fluttering backwards and his tight bound hood drooping off, allowing the world to see his silver hair, his green eyes, undeniably of an elf's.

The city demons' disapproval of elves sparked the moment they saw the reveal, but none were sure of the situation enough to wander close. All of a sudden, a boom resounded among the air followed by distant yells. Both the demons' and Eial's eyes spun to the direction, a chill crossing their spines.

Not a second more to spare, Eial furrowed his brows in a strain and rushed more magic forward through his palms, reaching the further cities. His teeth grew in size and red clawed from the corner of his eyes. Veins bulged on his temples, his neck, his arms underneath the fabric of his top. The force of energy was immense and eventually the strong tie of his cloak wore loose and the cloak flicked off with the wind.

It was that moment the demons around the area stood with rushing blood, not a breath dared speak. Immensely feeling a power untouchable, unapproachable.

The many years ago when the baby Eial had lived with his demon mother, the mother had made him a forest green cloak. A sweet gesture on the surface, however, the cloak with truthfully a form of protection. The cloak was weaved with string of anti-magic qualities in a way that the open cape still allowed Eial to use his magic, but the intensity of his magic's presence would not go further beyond the cloak, staying well hidden.

A safety preventative for Eial's growing magic had become a staple of the elf's adventures. Vrona could not feel his magic no matter, for she did not have her own magic to detect it. As for Drokn, despite being around the elf without his cloak, had not felt any different. Perhaps it was because of the bond?

However, amongst this crowd of magic-filled demons in the city, it was as if they were prey against a lone predator that loomed over them, held powerless despite their own numbers. This was the extent of Eial's true magic power.

Silly how one so powerful feared those which feared him. Eial would have cared with his ingrown anxiety if he had any mental space to think. But at the moment, he could not care less. The veins along his body protruded further and his outgrown teeth bared wider. A ridiculous flow of magic surged through the surface and below, attempting to encompass as many towns as the elf could breach. Sweat gathered a sheen on the elf's skin and dripped a puddle below, turning the light brown dirt into dark mud.

As limitless as this elf may seem, he was still just an elf as the many. Try as hard as he did, he could feel that he'd hit the extent of his magic. Despite it, he still pushed on, further than his body would allow. But for how long? Whatever the explosions were, they were going to hurt people. His demon's people. How long could he protect them? Tears started streaming down his face, worried, frustrated. For the first time in his life, he wished he had more power.

Clenching his teeth, he tightly shut his eyes, a wandering hopelessness sprouting. His pulse rushed to his head, every beat of his heart shifting his body forward and back. Every muscle was tense, yet at their limit. Pushed beyond their limit.

An image came to mind of the demon, his smug grin, his large hand patting the elf's head. Eial wished he could see him once more. Was he doing alright? Of course he was. He was probably winning his battle against the king. He was his powerful demon, after all.

A white blankness started to cloud the elf's thoughts.

This was it.

Just before the elf's fall, a pair of hands softly glided atop the elf's own, and—

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