Chapter Twenty Four pt 2

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Of course if they were to be cuffed, it wouldn't be so simple, and it wouldn't be done without a fight. As the demon stepped in, drawing magic, he suddenly felt a strong pull of air surrounding his wrists, pulling him back. Particularly, air magic. He glanced at the elf who, with eyes covered by cloth, faced his way and subtly shook his head side to side. Pinching his brows, the demon looked towards the demoness who held a playful smile.

The elf had come to learn of the demoness's antics and could sense the difference immediately. The demon only noticed after witnessing the devious grin.

Originally, they were to figure out a way to sneak into the castle once they came closer, finding faults within the castle walls. Hopefully, they would come across a rebel to help. When Vrona recognised a small emblem painted on one of the straps of the gate guards' armors, she smirked at the thought that their task would be easier than expected.

Putting on her hood to protect herself from the eyes nearby, she walked up without warning. A hand to her chest, she spoke, "It's a fine time for tea within the castle."

The guards looked up with interest. One of them, a tall demoness with a deep voice, asked in monotone, "What will you have it in?"

Vrona's grin spread wider. "A broken teacup."

She was told in her message about a code phrase to speak when talking to a rebel, one made just for her to help them recognize their guest of honor had arrived. When the code conversation was successful, that's when she beckoned for the other two to come.

Needless to say, she had not explained they were successful.

The ruse was nothing but for her own enjoyment. And so she blabbered about coming in peace and what not while the guards, who were not used to her personality, were confused behind their poker face. After her little act, they'd cuffed the three as they were told, lowering suspicion of unfamiliar guests entering the palace.

Suspicious guests were cuffed and brought inside for questioning, to hold them captive within the castle if they were spies. It wasn't a common occurrence, but one that had happened enough for the palace staff to not raise eyes at the display. For the king had many enemies. That was no secret.

When they reached an empty hallway, Drokn snapped his head towards the demoness. "Why didn't you fucking tell us? This isn't a fucking joke!"

Vrona chuckled through her nose. "Of course it's not a joke. But—" She looked towards the demon. "—if we don't play around now, there's no guarantee we can tomorrow." She chuckled a little more audibly now, but her laughter was humorless.

The three made their way into the castle and down the long steps to the prison. Past many guarded heavy doors, all of which welcomed them with ease, they were led towards the lower most cell.

And there...

"Welcome," a man said.

And in the distance...

A familiar face waved enthusiastically and another familiar burly demoness nodded her head with a toothy smile.

"Uncuff me now!" demanded Drokn, shaking off the hand that gripped onto his shackles. He had put up with the degrading display for too long, he could not take the humiliation any longer.

"Not yet, Drokn," Vrona voiced, speaking up for everyone else who remained silent. As her own shackles were taken off, she continued, "Most of the people here don't know you. But they're aware you're the king's son."

He looked around at the many who were gathered, besides the K'ra and Lahzo, most of the others had wary eyes or otherwise eyes that reminded him of his own father's disapproving glare. Some of these faces he recognized as staff when he was at the palace prior, before his exile. They knew the Drokn from back then. How was the Drokn from back then?

What cruel fate. When the demon had wanted to be recognized, not a single other spared a glance. Yet when he was recognized, it was from distaste.

"Now's your time to earn their trust." Vrona rubbed her now-free wrists and smirked to the side. "Let them know the kind of king you'll be."

Drokn wasn't prepared to make a speech in this situation. He'd only practiced his speech for after he had defeated the king. How he would show his magnificence, how he would—

Suddenly, Drokn felt a small tug on the side of his cape. Looking to the side, he saw the elf, specifically his lips, smile with confidence. He remembered their conversation on their shared drunken night, remembered what he wanted to do regardless of the power and prestige. That's right, he—

"I am aware of the ill ways my father, the king, has led the lands. He was a power hungry fool who discriminated between the treatment of the demons." Drokn bit his lips and looked downwards. "I am aware that I too had molded my perspective that way, caring for nothing more than power." Taking a deep breath in, he raised his head once more. Making eye contact with Lahzo and K'ra, who cheered silently with hand gestures and moving lips, Drokn was filled with a brightness and strength.

"But through many trials as of late, I have changed. I have witnessed the consequences of the king's cruelty. I have learned about strength that doesn't come from magic, but from community and unity. I have a pride for the demons— all demons. If you'll trust me, and—"

The demon swallowed.

"—with your guidance, I vow to dismantle the system the king has created based on lives being weighed on a scale, and create a territory where all demons are treated with importance and value. Whether in the cities or the outer towns. Whether with magic or none at all. I want to display a territory we can be proud of."

There was a moment of pause where the only sound to be heard was Drokn's heartbeat in his own eardrums.

But at the next moment.


His shackles fell to the ground.

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