31. Crazy Ex

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Hello my lovely people! Enjoy the new chapter!

31. Crazy Ex

We’re cursed with rain the next morning.

Luke doesn’t surrender to nature this time and since its not raining cats and dogs, we continue walking.

“Tell me again why we have to keep going?” I say, steadying myself against a tree before I slip on the muddy ground

“We’re still closer to the witch territory than I’d like us to be,” Luke says “Our food supplies are limited and so are weapons. We have to hurry.”

Oh and did I mention that the only clothes we are wearing are the only ones we have? Yay witches.

“Damn that witch,” I mutter “Did she really have to burn all that? One of my favourite shirts was in there!”

“Maybe it would sting less if you weren’t so jealous of Everette.”

I pause while taking a step forward, my head snaps upward “What?”

Luke gives me a cool glance over his shoulder “You were reeking of jealously, Hazel.”

“I’m not jealous of anyone!” I snap at him, both of us have stopped walking “And the only thing that reeked was her crappy perfume.”

“Just admit it, you were jealous.”

I open my mouth to fire another sharp reply but then close my mouth. I shrug with an indifferent face.

“Fine,” I say calmly “I’m as jealous of her as you are of Ethan.”

In a flash, Luke’s cool demeanor is wiped off from his face and onto mine. His jaw tightens and eyes narrow a fraction.

“I am not jealous of anyone,” he says “Specially not that pup.”

“Pup?” I raise an eyebrow “What are you? Fifty-five?”

“Twenty-three,” Luke gives me a measured look “Parks is barely older than you.”

I let out a dreamy sigh “And yet he’s been handling a pack for so many years.”

I do an internal happy dance when a muscle in Luke’s jaw twitch. Take that! Only a moment later, he wipes away his expression and takes a deep breath.

“With continual support from us,” Luke looks down at me from under his nose “Most of the defense plans sent to Parks were made by me.”

My expression falters “Oh.”

“And if you’re done making assumptions, lets go.” Luke glances at the darkening sky before starting to walk again

“You started it,” I mutter under my breath before following him

We keep up a fast pace and though I wanted to complain, I didn’t. Ever since Luke told me the real reason why he’s hell bent on winning no matter what, I’ve made it my business to be as co-operative as possible.

Alpha's HuntOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora