46. A bad decision

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Hello peeps! No time for AN, Enjoy the chapter!

46. A bad decision

۝ Elise ۝

When I open my eyes, I’m sure I’m died.

And surprisingly enough, it seems as though I’m in heaven. The mattress under me in like a cloud, the sheets covering me are stain soft. The room is beautiful and white and a bit hazy.

Then pain kicks in.

I’m alive alright and the pain radiating from where the bullet had hit me tells me it hasn’t been long since I almost died.

My mind clears, the room comes into focus. Panic and confusion race through my head. How am I still alive? Where am I? Where’s Luke?

With herculean effort, I heave myself up into a sitting position. The room looks like a five star hotel’s master suite.

The canopy ceiling is high above, decorated with an illustration of star constellations. The east wall is practically covered by windows, the curtains drawn over their silhouette. There are two doors, one near the huge bed, the other at the far corner.

The said door clicks open, catching my attention.

Someone steps inside the room, my shoulders tense, bracing for action but soon enough, the rich, intoxicating scent of coffee and pine trees hovers towards me.

“Luke,” Anticipation leaks in my voice, as I stupidly try to get up

His head snaps in my direction, his dark stormy blue eyes focus on mine. His shoulders rise as if he’s holding his breath, eyes wide a fraction. The air is so heavy, almost palpable with tension.


Something in the air snaps, then tension falls down on me like a heavy blanket.

The next moment his hands are on my shoulders, holding me back so I cant get up. whatever emotion was on his face moments ago gone as if it was just my imagination.

“Rest,” he says, his voice terse “Your wound is still healing.”

In quick, precise movements, he adjusts two pillows behind my back, carefully leaning me against them. I take in his profile, the creaseless grey suit he’s wearing, his perfectly brushed hair, freshly shaved stubble but the shadows under his red eyes tell me what I need to know.

“Luke, why— how am I still…” The question hangs heavy in the air

Even if I had my werewolf strength, a silver bullet would’ve been lethal for me, an omega. It’s impossible that I’m still alive.

Luke sits down in front of me, staring thoughtfully at my face, almost as if trying to believe I’m sitting right here.

“You were asleep for three days,” he says quietly

My eyes widen. Three days? I’ve taken a silver bullet, been unconscious for three days and I still survived?

“How do you feel?” Luke touches his hand to my cheek

I jump away from him due to sheer surprise, my cheek tingles as if someone’s just electrocuted my skin. The confusion in my head only thickens further. Luke has touched me before, and though it feels amazing, it doesn’t make me feel like stars are erupting across my skin.

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