NEW. 63. Chase

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63. Chase

✧ Luke ✧

“We could not find her, Alpha.”

Leon and his warriors as covered it blood, but no one seems to be injured. Apparently its not their own.

“She must be keeping the Luna Supreme at the pack house.” He tells me “Now that she has openly challenged you, I doubt she feels the need to keep her anywhere but her own pack house.”

All the Alphas are still sitting in the meeting room, and its almost dawn. In an hour, we all have to go to Goldstein’s pack to hear her testament.

“Very well,” I clench my hands in fists, uncaring of the claws tearing at my palms

“It seems I’ll have to teach Goldstein a lesson regarding consequences.”

۝ Elise ۝

Following the Earthen path led me into a town and after asking a few people the directions, I was on my way to Minneapolis.

My stomach growls, reminding me of how much I need something to eat. Alas this car had only one protein bar, which I devoured in a few bites.

My hands have stopped trembling though, and the residual panic has left and now I can breathe and drive without looking back every five minutes.

The sun is up and the streets of Minneapolis are busy early morning. Relief and elation threaten to overcome me when I start on the familiar road of our pack.

Then the fuel tank gives up.

“Really?” I say to the car “You’re going to give up on me now?”

In response, it gives out a dying breath when I try to start it again.

Sighing, I realize the universe doesn’t wish me to make a grand entry.

I pat the car affectionately nonetheless. I think I’ll keep it for myself.

“I’ll call you,” I rake my brain for an appropriate name “Chase.”

I pat Chase once more for good measure and then start walking, only now realizing how wobbly my legs feel once the adrenaline is gone.

Nearing the gates, I see a figure pacing around it, dark red hair pilled in a messy bun.

A rush of relief crashes over me, leaving me slightly out of breath.

Angelina notices me nearly at the same time in notice her, and the next moment, I’m crushed in her embrace, the scent of lavender covering me.

“Oh Gods,” She breathes out, holding me tighter by the second “You’re back.”

I hug her back just as tightly “So are you, you bitch. If you ever make me leave you behind again I’ll kill you.”

Angelina doesn’t seem to mind my death threats “You’re back. You’re okay.”

I nod and take a moment to gather my thoughts. We pull away from each other and I realize her arm is bandaged.

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