NEW. 64. I hate you

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64. I hate you

✧ Luke ✧

The car stops by the borders of the Goldstein territory, the guards watch us with apprehension before opening the doors.

It takes every bit of willpower in me not to prowler inside the damn pack house and rip it apart brick by brick. It takes every bit of restraint not to snap Zoya Goldstein’s neck when I see her standing by the temple of moonshirne.

I force myself to take a breath, to push the instincts aside and focus. My eyes take in the cars parked nearby, my senses busy in distinguishing which scent belongs to which pack.

The six surviving Hunt competitors other than me have arrived. The Alphas that hadn’t participated are also here, as well as those who have taken charge of their packs after their Alphas couldn’t make it back.

“Alpha Winters,” Goldstein flashes me a smile that looks like a snarl “I didn’t think you’d come.”

“I’m the guest of honor,” I look down at her “How could I not?”

“Allow me to treat you as such,” She sweeps an arm towards the temple

Forget the plan, lets kill her right now, Casper says as we do inside.

Don’t tempt me, I say, thought my eyes do turn to Goldstein’s neck for a second, my hands itching with grim anticipation.

Not yet, I close my hands into fists, death so quick would be a mercy.

My eyes go over the others in the temple. Joseph meets my eyes and inclines his head towards Parks. He doesn’t meet my glance, but nods as if sensing my attention. I notice his beta is not with him.

The rest of the Lycans all glance anxiously between Goldstein and I, the air is palpable with tension. Goldstein goes ahead at the small stage on the marble floor, warriors flanking her.

“As all of you must know,” Goldstein beings “We’ve gathered here today to unfold the truth about my beloved brother’s death. One which is unfortunately, related to our new Alpha Supreme.”

She gestures to someone, and a girl with pale blond hair walks towards the stage. She whisper’s something in Goldsetin’s ear and her expression shutters.

She recovers remarkable fast, and if I hadn’t been watching her so intensely, maybe I wouldn’t have noticed.

The blond finishes talking, and steps away from the stage. Goldstein smiles at all of us.

“And now, an eye witness, who is not from my pack shall come forward and tell you the truth of what happened on the Hunt!” She says, failing her arms for the effect

My eyes dart towards the doors of the temple, hungry for the sight of my mate, to know she’s here.

The doors slam shut.

“Or that’s what I would say,” Goldstein says “But I’d rather not waste any more time.”

“What is the meaning of this?” Joseph demands “We came for the evidence. Well, where’s your witness?”

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