05. It's all downhill from here

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Hello lovely! How r u? It's been a while but now I'm back! Hope u enjoy the chapter!

0.5 It's all downhill from here

"What?!" Mom stares at me wide-eyed

"Mom, calm down," I say "it's not so bad─

"Not that bad?" She repeats "you'll be gone to an unknown place for the goddess knows how long with no one to save you, shall you land yourself in trouble!"

"Mom," I say calmly "I'll be okay, I can handle myself."

And besides, a little adventure won't hurt.

Mom lets out a shaky breath "I just need sometime to myself. Go to sleep, Elise. You have to leave early in the morning."

With that she walks out of the room, leaving me with a dull ache in my chest. Oh mother dearest, why do you worry as such?

Because you are all she has left.

With a sigh, I collapse on my bed. Yes I want to travel a bit. Yes I want some excitement and adventure but not at the expense of Mom's peace.

With my mind made up, I go out of the Omega quarters and start for the main pack house. The dew drenched grass bends under my feet, the cold night air makes me wish I'd put on a jacket.

Thankful that my hair is covering my ears, I quickly reach the back door of the pack house. Slipping inside since I knew it'd be unlocked, I rake my head.

Luna and Darcie would never help me. Alpha is probably not going to see me at this hour of the night and snap at me for sneaking in. I have no idea what Casper is like since he just came back with Luke. That only leaves me with one possible option...

The moon knows where his room would be! How am I supposed to find him?

Nevertheless I march towards the stairs and soundlessly go up to the second floor. I wander along the hallway, thinking;

If there are five rooms here, one for Darcie, one for her brother Casper, one for the Betas and one for the Alphas so that only leaves me with...

I walk towards the room at the end of the hallway. The perfectly polished door shows me my reflection.

I raise my hand to knock but then stop. What am I going to say?

So hey there, I can't go with you. Why? Well, my mother is feeling worried for me.

That sounds really professional, doesn't it?

For ten minutes I raise and drop my hand, thinking hard about what to do.

Finally, I take a deep breath, raise my hand, ready to knock.

The door opens.

My hand freezes in mid air, my eyes stare at someone's tanned skin instead of the polished door.

Luke stands in the door frame, his brown hair ruffled, dark blue eyes staring down at me with a tinge of irritation.

Did I mention he's shirtless?

Heat rushes to my face and with no better option, I focus my eyes on his.

"You've been standing outside my door for the last ten minutes," he says in a raspy voice "what do you want?"

"Oh, umm, I-I have to say something." I shutter

What are you saying, Elise?! Don't let this shirtless male think you're an idiot!

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