chapter four

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Soon enough you arrive at Spencer's apartment around 6:20. When the two of you walk in you collapse to the couch. Spencer laughs at you.

"I forgot how tired you always are." He continues to laugh and gives you a smile.

"Yeah yeah laugh it up Spence, at least I'm not sleep deprived." You mock his tone of voice. He grabs his chest and gasps pretending to be hurt. You laugh and throw a pillow at him.

"Okay okay settle down child. Want to go out to dinner tonight?" He walks towards his bedroom and begins looking through his closet to find something to switch out of his work clothes.

"Yeah that sounds nice. Do you have anywhere in mind?" You make your way towards his room and sit on his bed.

"There's this really nice Italian place, Its 30 minutes away but worth it." He says this while still going through his closet.

"You know that sounds real nice and all Spence but have you forgotten I have nothing nice to wear." You laugh at him in a mocking tone.

"That is exactly why instead of eating lunch today, I left work to go buy you this."

He finally gets to what he was digging through his closet to find. He pulls out a short A-line dark purple dress. It has spaghetti straps and the top is triangular showing a little cleavage. It's gorgeous.

"Spence.." You gasp and sort of tear up. You have no idea why he would do something so sweet for you. He easily could have just driven you to your house so you could pick out something nice to wear.

He starts to look a bit nervous, like he can't read your shocked expression.

"I- I'm sorry if you, uh, don't like it. I can just go return it. I wasn't really sure w-what to get. I just saw it and, i uh, thought it would look really p-pretty on you." He is speaking really fast and goes to put the dress away.

You don't even know what to do. You just walk over and hug him really tight. He tenses up but eventually holds you back.

"What's this for?" He says softly while still in the hug.

"This is one of the sweetest things someone has done for me. The dress is gorgeous Spencer. Thank you for thinking of me." You pull away from the hug and kiss him on the cheek. He blushes a bit.

"Can I put it on?" He looks like he's still trying to process everything.

"Oh yeah of course I'm sorry." He hands the dress to you and you walk to the bathroom.

You put on the dress and it's automatically your new favorite piece of clothing. It compliments you nicely, and overall it's just a stunning dress. The deep purple looks very nice on you although it's not a color you would typically go for.

You walk back into the bedroom and see Spence snap out of the book he's reading on his bed when he hears your footsteps.

He looks up at you and just stares. His mouth slightly parted. He looks you up and down and gives you the softest smile you've ever seen.

"Y/n.. you look gorgeous. The dress looks so beautiful on you." He says this soft and sweet, with lots of love in his voice.

"Spencer thank you." You climb onto the bed and hug him. It feels so good to be around him again. Something you never thought you'd get back. He pulls you out of the hug and just looks into your eyes.

"I have missed you so much. I spend all my days thinking about you. I am so sorry we lost touch, but so thankful you're back in my life."

You smile at him. Feeling your heart begin to race again. It feels so warm and you get butterflies. Once again, the love you have for Spencer returns. You try to ignore it, but it's just so hard.

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