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i would really like to thank you all for the support you have all shown to my story! i know it is not the best but it is my first one and i am very proud of it. i have a new spencer story coming soon and i hope you all will read it! <3


"Did you get her to sleep yet?" You whisper as Spencer gently closes the door to your babies nursery.

"She's sound asleep. I think she loves the new house as much as we do." Spencer says as the two of you walk to your own bedroom.

"I think so too." You say smiling to Spencer as you change into your pajamas.

You change into a sports bra and a pair of your husbands sweatpants, and he just strips into only boxers.

Once both changed, Spencer goes to sit with his back against the bed frame and legs stretched out. You crawl in between his legs letting your back hit his warm chest. He wraps his arms around your stomach holding you tighter as he wrests his head in the crook of your neck.

"I can't believe our little girl is already going to be one month tomorrow." Spencer whispers, slowly tracing patterns on your stomach with his thumb.

"I know. Our little Annabel Lee Reid." You say smiling to yourself, beginning to relax in Spencer's arms.

"Annabel Lee Reid." Spencer whispers back, you can hear the smile in his voice.

There's a long silence, although it's a comfortable one. The two of you just sitting there, enjoying the presence of one another. After a while you speak up.

"Isn't it crazy. That after all these years we ended up together?" You say, placing your hands over Spencer's as they rest tight on your stomach.

"It really is. I never thought it would happen." Spencer says back softly.

"Did you ever think about me? All those years we weren't together. Did you ever think about trying to contact me?" You say the thought that has been on your mind since the second you saw Spencer again.

"I thought about you every single day y/n, and to be completely honest, I once asked Garcia to look you up. We were both 25 at the time and she found you easily. I so desperately wanted to contact you, but.. I was just so scared." Spencer says back, you can hear the tears forming in his eyes as he speaks.

"Why were you scared Spence? It's always just been me." You speak turning around to sit in Spencer's lap facing him.

"I guess I was mainly scared because we were adults. As I've told you, I never stopped loving you y/n, and I was so afraid you didn't feel that back. So since we were adults, everything was finally real, and if you didn't feel the same sort of love I felt for you, that would be it. It would be over.. and I knew I wouldn't be able to bare loosing you." Spencer says softly trying to avoid eye contact.

"Hey Spencer look at me." You say grabbing each side of his face with your hands so that he's looking into your eyes.

"I hope you know now that I love you so very much Spencer Reid, and that nothing could ever damage us. We have each other now, forever. We created a beautiful life Spencer! That little girl.. she's me and you! And I couldn't ever ask for a better life." You say feeling tears well in your eyes.

"I love you my princess." Spencer wrests his forehead against yours, his hands landing on each sides of your face, yours still on his.

"I love you too Spencer." You say with a small smile.

The two of you stay sitting like this for a while, feeling your love for each other radiating between the two of you. Every so often Spencer would lightly brush his thumb back and forth on your cheek, causing a small smile to spread across your face each time.

"You know what else is crazy?" Spencer says moving his forehead away from yours and wrapping his arms around your waist.

"What is it Spence?" You say with a small smile, wrapping your arms around his neck.

"I never thought I would be having sex with you." Spencer says with a large grin, catching you off guard.

"Spencer!!" You say, punching his arm playfully.

"And the best sex I've ever had while we're at it." Spencer smiles looking into your eyes.

You just roll your eyes in return, your cheeks flushing a dark red.

"What? You can't say you don't feel the same." Spencer laughs.

"Well.. actually.." You begin to trail off feeling your heartbeat pick up.

"What? What is it?" Spencer says searching your eyes.

You trying to avoid eye contact feeling yourself get nervous.

"Oh my god.. y/n.. why didn't you tell me." Spencer says softly starting to pick up on what's happening.

You look up and connect your eyes with Spencer's again. His eyes are soft and full of emotion.

"The night on the beach.. It was your first time wasn't it?" Spencer whispers as he looks into your eyes.

You just nod lightly in return.

"Sweetheart.. why didn't you tell me?" Spencer says with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"Because Spence.. I was afraid you would judge me.. and why do you look so sad?" You say sort of nervously.

"First of all, never in a million years would I judge you for that. It just makes it so much more special to me. And second of all, I would have made it more special for you. I would have made it more comfortable for you." He says brushing some hair out of your face.

"Spencer. Let's do a recap here. So the night I lost my virginity was the same night I found out the boy I had loved for 20 years felt the same. Not only that but he told me he loved me during said sex. Then on top of that, it was literally on a beach. What could get any more special then that?" You say smiling into Spencer's eyes.

"I guess you're right." He says with a soft smile back.

You lean in giving Spencer a soft slow kiss. He kisses back and continues it for another few minutes.

"I love you so much." Spencer says looking deeply into your eyes, the two of you catching your breathe from the kiss.

"I love you so much too." You say with a smile back.

With that Spencer turns off the lamp on the bedside table, and you lay on your side. Spencer lays on his side facing you and pulls you into his chest, wrapping his arms around you.

In this moment, you know everything is perfect. There is no where in this world you would rather be then in the warm embrace of Spencer Walter Reid's arms, and with the baby the two of you created together just two rooms down the hall. Everything is perfect, you're right where you've always dreamt of being.

"Good night y/n, I love you." Spencer whispers half asleep.

"Good night Spencer, I love you."

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