Chapter Three

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The only thing I was aware of was that my head was throbbing, and that I was laying on a very hard floor.

I heard low talking, and realized that Elena was laying on the couch beside me, a man was untying her and she was asking him where we were. Hey, how come she got the couch? I thought.

The man suddenly moved closer to her, and I saw his vampire veins pop out of his face,

"Just a taste"
He whispered, and put his face next to her neck, she begged him not to.
I jumped forward and shoved him off her, he stood back up and bared his fangs at me.

"Enough, Trevor"

A woman stood behind him,

The man, Trevor I assume, muttered under his breath and walked out.
Elena started asking questions, but the woman just told her to shut up, but she wouldn't be quiet.

"Elena, just shut up"
I whispered to her, but she wouldn't and the woman grew agitated and smacked her back on the couch, knocking her out.

"Not gonna lie, she kinda deserved that"
I said, nonchalant. The woman glanced at me, I held up my hands, showing her I wasn't gonna ask her whiny questions.

"And who are you? I only told Trevor to get the doppelganger"

"Oh uh, I'm Ashley, I was with Elena when Trevor took us, so I assume he took me to keep me from telling people that she had been kidnapped"

She nodded, and walked out the room, leaving me alone with my comatose sister.
I sighed, no use trying to escape, they were vampires so they would catch me before I made it out of the front door.
Looking down at Elena, she was taking up the only seat in here, so I supposed I would have to sit on the floor.

Sighing again, I sat on the floor, my head resting against the couch, and tried to close my eyes. To no use of course, my head still hurt, and I've never been able to got to sleep during the day anyway.

~~~~~Some Time Later~~~~~

I was still leaning against the couch when Elena groaned, stiring from her suckerpunch induced sleep.

"Oh look, Sleeping Beauty finally woke up"
I said sarcastically, not in a good mood from sitting on the floor. She got up,

"Did you find out anything?"
She asked, I shook my head,

"I didn't pry because I didn't want to end up unconscious too"

She rolled her eyes at me, exasperated. She walked off to eavesdrop on Trevor and the woman's conversation in the other room.
I shrugged, she can go get slapped again, I don't care. I hopped on the now vacant couch, very much enjoying the comfy cushions.

Ever since I can remeber I've had really good hearing, the doctors call it 'acute hearing' I tuned in on the talking.
Something about 'Original vampire' and someone called 'Elijah' that didn't sound good, they were now talking about the Sun and Moon curse. (Which is made-up in my opinion)

I also heard that the women's name was Rose, huh, pretty name. Elena came back into room, looking pretty frustrated. She started pacing about,

"What's the matter? Didn't get any answers?"
I asked, amused at her worried expression.

"Only something about an 'Original vampire' called Elijah"
She replied, still pacing,

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