Chapter Eleven

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Arriving back from my cave, I hear Alaric and Elena talking in the kitchen.

"So, you're ready?"
Alaric asks,

"Vampires, hybrids, and Originals. No problem. My rebellious brother. I'm worried"
Elena replied.

"Proof you're still human"

Choosing this time to make myself known, I step through the front door.

"So, whose demise are you planning today?"

Walking forward, I reach the kitchen, and pour myself a cup of coffee. Alaric knows my habits and always has a pot ready.

Before Elena can reply, Jeremy walks in the door.

"Just in time! We're cooking."

"Hold up, you're cooking. I'm going back to my room of solitude that is vampire drama-free"
I point out to her,

"Sorry, just passing through"
Jeremy excuses himself while Elena glares at me.

"Well I thought we would stay in, have a meal together like a typical, atypical family"
Alaric explains.

Jeremy and I ask at the same time.

"Maybe because you got fired and didn't tell anyone"

Spluttering out my coffee, I mutter,
"Oops, you got busted"

Alaric and Elena incredulously looked at me.

"You knew and didn't tell anyone!"
She yelled at me,

"Don't get your panties in a wad, Elena. Jeremy told me the night he got fired. And being the sister that I am, I thought it would be nice for him to tell you himself. So don't go pointing that self-righteous finger at me,        Ms I've-gotta-control-everyone"
I accused back.

"Aah- look, can we do this later? I made plans with Tyler. He's right outside"

"Oh wait! When did you start hanging out with Tyler Lockwood?"
Alaric butted in.

"Hold that thought Alaric. Jeremy, you go ahead and hang out with Tyler.  Lord knows you needs some friends besides dead girlfriends and narcissistic doppelgangers"
  I cut in, holding a hand up to stop Alaric and Elena from going on a spiel.

"I don't know... Does it matter?"
Jeremy unfortunately ignored my advice and continued that argument. While I preceded to rub the bridge of my nose from stress.

"Yeah Jeremy! It matters. He was sired by Klaus. He's dangerous."

"Elena, honey. Just because he was sired by Klaus doesn't mean he's a bad dude. He's literally one of your best friend's boyfriend, and here you are talking trash about him behind Caroline's back"
I pointed out to her.

Jeremy agreed,

"He can still hear you. He is right outside. Besides you of all people of gonna lecture me on who I can and can't hang out with?"

I raised a fist in solidarity and fist bumped him.

"What is with the attitude?"
Elena asked, exasperated.

"Girl. You literally yelled at him, dissed his friend. And then preceded to act like the victim here. Besides that, who are anyway? His mom?"
Facepalming, I called her out. Her face turned red. But before she could explode, Jeremy cut in.

"Yeah, whatever, this is lame. Tyler is waiting."

He starts to head out the door, but Elena blocks his way.

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