Chapter Twenty-Four

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Light pierced my eyes as I slowly opened them. Blinking a couple times, I casually observed the room. The beginning of the morning sun had started filtering through the windows, casting light on the mess from last night. The couch is overturned, the various pieces of furniture and what's left of several vases is scattered about the room.

My back is against the floor, leaving my neck at a very uncomfortable angle. The doorway into the kitchen is to my left, and the light inhale and exhale of a hybrid is to my right. Gazing across at Klaus, I inwardly chuckle at the sight.

His dishelved curly hair is falling in his eyes, the sunbeams from the window making the red in his locks stand out. His current shirt, a black Henley, is shifted just so that I can barely see the edges of a tattoo on his left shoulder. Klaus' jacket had been discarded during the fight along with mine.

I heard him stir a little bit so I quickly looked away. Klaus suddenly lurched up from his sitting position and frantically looked around the room.

"You good?" I asked, my eyebrow raised.

I followed where his eyes had landed and immediatly understood. Kol's burnt corpse is laying in the kitchen, unattended. He looked up at me, and I got the feeling he was about to say something when the front door opened.

Tyler practically waltzed in, whistling a cheery tune.

"Morning, sunshine. You look pathetic."

And you look like the douchebag jock you always were, is what I wanted to say, although I bit my tongue.

"Only until Bonnie's spell locking me in here wears off." Klaus responded.

Tyler just laughed darkly, and finally took notice of the beat down state of the room. "What happened here? Did you throw a tantrum or something?"

"Actually, I did throw a tantrum. Multiple times in fact." Klaus stepped aside to reveal me still sitting on the floor. I waved, "I'm tantrum."

Tyler's shock gave a me a excellent shot of serotonin that I desperately needed. My shoe chose this excellent time to finally drop from the ceiling, landing with a plonk.

"What's the matter, wolfboy?" I challenged him. "Did the Scooby-Gang groupchat not tell you they trapped me in here too?"

"I never thought..." Tyler dropped off.

"Yeah you never did. Even when you were in middle school, your mom had to bribe the principal to keep you from getting kicked out. Or did your mom never tell you that?"

Klaus chuckled as I finally stood up next to him.

"You should probably ask her what else she's keeping from you, oh wait, you can't. Because she's currently in a wooden box six feet under."

Tyler's face is red with rage, and I have a feeling if I wasn't trapped inside a barrier, he would've already attacked me.

"Yeah?! And what's it to you! You never cared enough about your family to actually mourn their deaths!" He yelled. "Nobody in this town ever saw you cry, or even show any emotion at your parents' funeral!"

I could practically feel Klaus' eyes on me as Tyler continued ranting. It's true, I never did cry or react they way they wanted me to. Elena had her diary and her friends, Jeremy had drugs. We all dealt with the pain in different ways. But doesn't mean it didn't hurt.

The first few months after the accident, it felt like a rock. A heavy burden in my shoulders that I was forced to carry, I knew they weren't my real parents. But that doesn't make them any less real.

"Are you done?" I asked impatiently as Tyler finally stopped for a breath.

"Good. Now shut up."

Turning my back in the two hybrids, I heaved an armchair in it's correct position. Sitting down, I tune out the back and forth banter between the Klaus and Tyler. It's like they're actual children.


After a little while, Caroline finally came to rein in her boyfriend. Needless to say it was rather a shock for her to find me here.

"Ashley, wha-, what are you doing? How did you wind up in there! With that!" She pointed to Klaus angrily.

"You can thank my sister for that."

"Elena did this! But why?"

"Because I tried to stop her from killing Kol."

It's really not that hard to understand. The tree other people talk back and forth, it's very annoying so I zone out.

Suddenly, I hear a cry of pain, and I look up to see that Klaus has impaled Caroline and then bit her. Oof, that looks like it hurt.

"Take me out of here, I can't even look at him." Caroline stutters out, holding a hand to her wound.

Klaus looked forlorn as Tyler carried her out, her gaze lowered to me and I shrugged.

"You did it bro, don't look at me like that."

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