Chapter Sixteen

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"No, no no no, no! I am not, and I repeat! Am not, going to the 20's dance tonight Rebekah!"
  I practically shouted at the phone in my hand.

"Come on ,love. How bad could one little dance be?"
She tried coercing me to interact with people.

"Nope. Not going. Do you know how bad of a track record this town has with school dances? I'm not going to end up mutilated and tortured just because you apparently want me to get a boyfriend!"

A sigh came from the speaker.
"Really? Would it be that bad to have a, what do the kids call it? A one-night stand. Or if you're looking for a long-term relationship, I'm sure there's a nice teen boy just practically waiting for you!"

Pinching the bridge of my nose with my fingers, I paced around the cave.

"Yeah, and there's also your crazy homicidal mom still out there. And I've told you multiple times that I don't want a boyfriend. Or any kind of relationship for that matter. The term "nice teen boy' applies that they have the maturity of a middle schooler, so... no."

A pause came from the other end of the line,

"I'm not sure if you're saying that you don't like boys, or you like older men."

"For heaven's sakes, Rebekah!"
I threw my hand up in the air,

"I'm not going! And I'm straight! So... goodbye!"
Hanging up before she could protest, I set my phone on the nearby table and collapsed on my bed. The tiniest bit of light filtered in from the entrance of Retreat, casting a bright glow on the room.

The sunrises around here are particularly beautiful, even though it's eight o'clock in the morning. Running my fingers through my sleep-mussed hair, I decided to go for a walk to clear my head and fully wake up.

The very air is crisp and chilly, casting a slight fog in the early morning trees. Normally I would be running, but instead I chose this time to enjoy the silent stillness of a slow meander.
Breathing in the cold air, my lungs alight with the feeling of adrenaline.          
Exhaling, a small cloud flow past my lips as the hot and cold air mingled.

Smiling to myself, I turn around to head back, only to hear a twig snap behind me, and a hard blow over my head.


My blurry vision clears as I shake off my dizziness. Taking in my surroundings, I realize that I'm in some sort of tomb, probably in a cemetary. My hands are chained to a wall, the warm metal telling me I've been here awhile.

Trying to pull against the cuffs, my body makes absolutely no movement. It seems all functions below my neck is prohibited. Before I can make some sort of plan to escape, in walks the psychotic Original Mother herself.

"Aah, awake at last I see."
She comments, and lays things out on a table nearby.

"Nice little racket you have going on here. Got some kind of paralysis spell?What's the matter? Afraid I'll shoot you again? I bet that hurt. Exactly how much vampire blood did you need to recover from all that cyanide boiling your insides?"
Grinning wickedly, I watched as Esther turned back from the table and faced me.

"You always were a sharp thing with a wicked tongue. And yes it did hurt, Finn had to leave me pints of his blood before he went to search for that scamp Sage in New York."
She sneered. Suddenly, she held up a knife and advances towards me.

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