Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Ah yes. The woods, one of the few serene places in this horrible town. Unless you're me of course. My luck involving forests has decreased severely ever since the Salvatore brothers came to town. Let's not forget the multiple sacrifices and mutilations these trees have witnessed, they're probably more traumatized than a three-year old that watched Supernatural.

Nowadays, I forsake my early morning runs and replace it with laps around the swimming hole outside of Retreat. But currently I'm walking at a leisurely pace through the supernaturally invested forest. A recent depletion of supplies has warranted a short trip into town, which I'm in no hurry to get too.

The crisp spring air along with a light breeze makes an excellent combination for a midmorning stroll. Sunbeams of light filter through bright green leaves, casting dancing shadows as the wind causes the trees to wave and bend. At this particular moment, I wish I were an artist so that I could immortalize this exact scene with pencils and paint.

My mind wanders aimlessly as I stride through the woods. I know for a fact that the two Duke boys are trying to bring my dearest sister's humanity back this moment. But of course they won't succeed until they use a human feeling to break down the barrier. Mainly, Matt. Ugh, so predictable.

Nearby noises brings me out of my thoughts, and I slow down my footsteps as to not alert anyone to my presence. Oof, sounds like Silas pretending to be Klaus has ruffled Caroline's feathers. Girl, it's no use to deny feelings, you'll just end up with a lot of heartache later on.

Daannngg. Silas just put her in a hallucination so real the blonde thought she died and passed out. Welp, guess I'll just vamose. But before I could even take a step, a British voice called out behind me,

"Not even going to say goodbye, sweetheart?"

Turning around, I'm met with a extremely detailed replica of Klaus. If it wasn't for the lower class clothes and the lack of leather necklaces, I might've even been fooled.

"Why on earth would I bid you farewell? We barely know each other." I questioned. You see, now Silas will backtrack, since I gave him the impression that Klaus and I are not well acquainted.

"All the same, it's rude to leave the residence of such a worthy opponent without so much as an adieu, don't you agree?" His lapse of hesitation was quickly eradicated with Klaus' trademark smirk.

"Considering I never really opposed you, that wouldn't really apply to me now, would it?" I pointed out carefully, letting him think I had no idea of his ruse.

"I suppose not, love." Silas/Klaus amended. "Would you have rather I had left without a goodbye, then?"

"Perhaps, if I hadn't already known you left yesterday for New Orleans."

His smile faded, his expression turning into something dangerous.

"How long have you known?" Silas, still disguised as the hybrid, stepped menacingly forward.

"Ever since I saw you and Bonnie arguing. You really should do a little more research before you try to manipulate someone with another person's face." I answered, turning slightly to carry on with my day.

"Why aren't you scared?" He grabbed my left arm. "Everyone single one of your little gang has been terrified to even mention my name, but not you."

I glared down at the hand keeping me in place, "First off, remove your hand from my appendage or I will cut your's off." Pausing, I waited until he had released the forementioned body part before continuing,

"Second, anything that threatens precious Elena automatically scares the Salavatore's out of their pants. Thirdly, I'm not exactly part of the Mystic Falls Scooby-Doo Gang, I prefer to keep to myself. Something you would have noticed if you had actually done your research before approaching me."

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