Chapter 23

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Chapter 23


Caleb’s POV:-

I could count the number of times I have been really happy in my life. They are very few to start with. The good times always tend to slip away from my hand whenever I try to hold them tightly.

I knew today was a day when life seemed too good to me. Spending the day with Bella… I knew it was all too god to be true.

The helicopter ride, the rain, the song, the same old smiling and talking, the walk in the rain… all seemed so good that finally it had to end. Bella was back to her old self as soon as we arrived at the house. She was angry at Rebecca for some reason, and that changed her mood completely, but I have no idea why..

Bella was back to being the quiet, diplomatic one whom I never knew for the past six years. At dinner, though she seemed to enjoy everything, I could see she wasn't genuinely happy. Maybe she wasn't liking the vacation. Maybe this family gathering was too much for her. She must hate it. After all, she never really wanted any of this. I forced her into everything, didn't I?

She avoided my gaze the whole night, even kept the replies for my questions to a minimum. I knew then that it was over, she really wanted to be out of this marriage, I was just prolonging the date so as to win her back. Win her back? What a joke!

After dinner, as everybody decided to call it a day, I decided to take a stroll at our private beach. To walk over the sand at night while the cool oceanic breeze blew past me had a very soothing effect. This side was totally empty, with no one to bother us. I kept walking on the beach trying hard to forget that today even existed.

I am losing my every chance of winning her back and now I am starting to believe that maybe she really doesn't want to give me another chance. What I did was unforgivable; Bella may actually want to leave me…

I stood as the small waves came crashing to my feet on this cold night. The beach was deserted and it was a relief since I wanted time for myself. I wanted to decide if I should really let her go, if I should stop day dreaming about a happy future with her that I actually don’t deserve.

I sighed as I still couldn't come up with a decision. I turned around to head back to the house when I felt that time had stood still and I was witnessing something divine..

A beautiful young woman stood near the window of her room, looking outside to the playful sea. She was divine and breathtaking. My breath caught up in my lungs as I saw her wave her long brown hair from her shoulder and lean beside the window. Her blue eyes glistened from the distance..

Bella… my Bella.. was the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes upon. She seemed thoughtful but still at ease. Maybe the cool breeze was relaxing her. I swear I could stand here all my life and watch her smile so freely like she has no care in the world. But I know that’s impossible, for I’m the one that has put her through so much. I could do anything for her, anything she asked.. Only couldn't let her go..

I Hate You, Mr. Billionaire (IKMP Series #2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora