Chapter 15

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So, the last chapter went well i guess.. :)

Wattpad deleted my chapter :@ :@



Chapter 15


Bella's POV:- 



I was floating for a long time, until light hit my eyes. Maybe I was in the swimming pool, I didn't know that I could float nor that I could feel so light. Maybe the drinks I had last night had something that made me light.... Last night... The swimming pool.. Caleb.. kiss.. and then...

Oh My God!!!! 

I shot my eyes open and jerked up on the bed. My head hurt like it was hit by thousand hammers together. My hair falling all over my face and I was still wearing that top and... No underwear? WTF?!! I looked around to see I was in my bedroom, my pajama and the underwear kept over a chair at the corner. How did I come here?

Did Caleb bring me here? I remember the things that I did last night.. shameful things. But they are all very vague.. Did we do everything last night? Did we have sex? Why can't I remember that part? Oh god! This was not my plan,, What did I do?

I got down from the bed and headed for the bathroom, still trying to remember what else I did, or did he do that while I slept? That's gross!! Did he really do that? Living with him was the worst mistake. 

I laid in the bathtub for about an hour, dipped in my thoughts as time flew by. I took the day off since I got up around ten. It's eleven now and since I was very well aware that Caleb would be long gone by now, I walked down to the kitchen.

I poured myself a cup of coffee and was just about to go upstairs when I saw Caleb's study door open and out walked Caleb in his suit and just the sight of him made me freeze in my place. I was blushing hard and quickly turned around to go upstairs before he could see me. All the dirty memories of last night came flashing in my mind as clear as daylight. Did I really do all those?! It can't be true.

"Hi there" His husky deep voice called from behind.

"Hi" I muttered a small reply.

"Had a good sleep last night?" The evil curve on his lips was enough for me to feel guilty since I don't remember half of the things I did.

"Listen, Caleb..." I put up a stern face.

"Last night was amazing" Caleb walked up to me before grabbing an apple from the basket at the kitchen counter, "You said that yourself.. Or was it.. your best night ever?"

"I did?" I did, didn't I? I was drunk and I spurted out stupid meaningless things in front of him. God! I am never going to drink again.

"Yes, and many more sounds..." Caleb was now inches away from me, as I bumped on to the refrigerator. 

"Caleb, did we...?" I hesitated as I asked him, thinking he would complete the rest in his mind and answer me.

"Did we what?" He smirked at me. 

Caleb took a bite from the apple looking seductively at me, and if I didn't hate this man so much, I would have surely agreed to the fact that he looked too hot for just being a businessman. But I hated him, so this didn't affect me... not that much...

I tried to walk away from him, but he put his hand up, blocking my way. I glared at him as his smirk gradually turned into a genuine smile, "Have coffee and eat something later on.." 

I Hate You, Mr. Billionaire (IKMP Series #2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant