Gabriel x Reader

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"Hey (y/n), what are you doing Saturday night?" The trickster asked you.

"Probably hunting demons or monsters, you?" You countered him.

"(Y/n), just one date, I bet you I can change you mind, you know what? I know I can change you mind," he winked at you. You rolled your eyes at the angel.

"Gabriel how many times do I have to tell you-"

"As many times as you want, doesn't mean I will listen," he said, a grin on his face. You rolled your eyes once again.

"I'm sure that there are many others girls that will play with you," You told him.

"Yes, thousands, but what makes you think I want anything to do with them? I mean I can play the game as much as I like, but obviously the prize is right in front of me," he told you, you had a grin on your face, but quickly turned it into a frown when you looked up at him.

Maybe he knew this, maybe he didn't, you loved him, was amazing by him, and loved listening to him. You loved when he was around, and when he wasn't, you wished he was with you.

Wait what?

"What are you thinking about my darling (y/n)?" He asked you, smiling a bit. You rolled your eyes before going to sit on the couch in the hotel room you were currently in.

"I don't know, wondering why there is an angel in my hotel room?" You questioned him.

"Because I enjoy your company, and I believe you enjoy mine," He said, sitting on the couch with you.

"Well, you seem to believe in the wrong thing," you told him.

"Well, you see, I think you are wrong there, because I believe you like me as much as I like you, maybe even more," He told you. You felt the heat in your cheeks.

"Besides, your face is rather red, so I am right aren't I?" He questioned. You blew out a sigh.

"If you continue with your little talk, Imm going to start stuttering," you said annoyed, trying to think of anything besides him.

"Your cute when you stutter," he replied. You didn't dare open your mouth.

"I haven't't started'd-fuck," you said.

"See? Completely adorable, come," You glanced up at Gabriel and noticed that his arms were open, and he was motioning for you to sit in his lap.

"Umm, I don't-"

Before you finished, the angel grabbed you and placed you in his lap, your back facing him.

He rested his head in the crook of your neck and blew out a content sigh.

"I like this," he said, his warm breath sending shivers down your spine.

"You won't admit that you like it too?" You let out a small laugh before leaning into Gabriel, making him move his head. You now placed your head comfortably on his shoulder.

"I don't like it, I love it, it feels right," you replied.

"We feel right," he replied.

"You are getting cocky."

"Well yeah, the girl of my dreams is sitting in my lap," you let out a laugh.

"I hate you, but I think I like you," You told him.

"I like you, but I think I love you," he replied laughing.

"You say it so casually."

"Well, I love you (y/n), and I know that you have mixed feelings about me, but all my feelings are true, so I say it casually because you already know, and because I want to say it daily to you, my my love for you extremely known and something I can-"

"I love you too," you shut up his ramble.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked you.

"God yes," you replied. Je moved so that your faces were inches apart.

"What has my father have to do with- oh fuck it," he said before kissing you.



I love Gabriel




There are some people who should have never had to die like fuck.


Thanks for reading



oh you should watch the video on the side.. ah just saying it is hilarious :)

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