Micheal x Reader

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This is a bit different one shot, it may get confusing, comment if a part is confusing and I'll clear it all out. Thanks for reading!

Michael was the angel that had good intentions. He was the one that tried so hard to make things right, he ended up looking like a bad guy. He just wanted things to go the way his father wanted. He would do anything for his father. Absolutely anything.

The day he met you, he was shocked by your beauty, by everything that you were able to accomplish before you had died. Which was an honourable death, one to be proud of. Or atleast, that is what you always said, he didn't know how you died, he just knew you were stuck in this hell hole like him.

Not in Lucifer's cage, but in Hell.

It saddened him.

"Why is she in here?" He would question out loud, wondering why you were put in hell.

"Don't you know brother? She helped the Winchesters, so 'King of Hell' wanted her down here to help him.

"What does she do?"

"Sometimes she'll roam the earth again, as a Demon with Crowley, and 'help' the Winchesters, Crowley seems to have a soft spot for her," He told Michael.

"And I have a soft spot for this fucker here," her voice seemed to shock Michael, he turned to (y/n), and saw she was talking to his brother.

"Oh do you now? And what are you going to do?" Why was she in here? She isn't supposed to be in here.

"(Y/n), you mustn't be in here," Michael worries about you, and to his understanding right now, you are stuck in the cage.

"Calm down, I came with a plan obviously," she said. Michael furrowed his brows.

"Your stuck, and we both know that," Lucifer told her. At this she smiled.

"I have friend in high places," she told him. When she said this, Death appeared. He was holding fries and an almost empty cup of soda.

"(Y/n), it's best if we go. Now."

She nodded, grabbing on to Michael, and a second later they were in the Winchester's bunker, where Dean and Sam were waiting, with crossed arms.

"Damn it Death," you said under your breath.

Since Crowley made you a demon, and took you to earth to 'help the Winchesters', which was a only rumour going through hell. Yeah he made you a demon, yeah he took you to earth, but you refused to go to them.

You refused to see Castiel.

"Hey guys, how's it going," you asked them.

Suddenly you were doused with holy water, and you went on your knees screaming in pain, steaming.

"Get out of her now!" Dean said.

"Dean! Please," another splash of holy water. The pain was bad.

"Sam do it," Sam started to speak in latin.

"No, please! Dean, you would understand, there's no demon, just please stop this," Sam stopped talking, looking at Dean.

"What are you saying?" Dean asked you.

"I am a Demon because I, well I didn't decide on my own, you see I was kind of dead, but Crowley did, anyways, I became like best friends with Death, and well, hey this is Michael, or Adam as you know him as your brother, and he is like... you know I like him, he likes me, and I am sorry for not telling you, I like being a demon, and I'll come visit some time, but Death if you don't take me to the place you promised you would I will kill you with your own weapon," you turned to Death the traitor.

"Calm down, let's go," he said. You heard Dean say wait but you were gone. You'll visit them.

You were now in the house you made.

Because you had a lot of time.

Death disappeared with another slurp.

"(Y/n)," you heard Michael say. You turned to him.

"Listen I know that your an Angel, and that I am a demon, but I know you have feelings for me, I share those feelings for you," you told him out front.

"I guess that means I can do this," he said, taking a few steps and wrapping you around his arms, kissing you. You smiled.

"You know, I had a lot of time to think in the cage, and I never would have thought I would do such a thing as to be in love with a demon, but I guess you can't always know what is going to happen, this is not wrong, it feels right."

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