Gadreel x Reader

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He was always the one that talked with a soft voice. He never used more words than he had to. He was usually quite. Sometime he would have a puzzled look on his face because some people made him think more. Usually those people were the kind to rush things, the kind to want to have fun.
The kind of person you were, whether unknowingly or gradually. Maybe when you met him you had to get used to him being around and once you did you became yourself around him.
You puzzled him.
You made him worry about you more than once not on purpose, simply because the things you did made him worry.
It took him a while for him to tell you he worries about you constantly.
"Y/n, I would like it if you were to not go with them, I can keep you safe with me."
"But I am not worried about my safety, I want to keep many people safe from those monsters."
"You may not be worried but I am every time you leave my side."
"You're worried about me?"
"Why wouldn't I be, no hunter worries about their own safety, it's what makes them a hunter, but when you do it, I can't help but worry about you. If you don't worry someone has to."
After that he made it known to everything that you were under his protection no matter what.
Hunting became easier that's for sure.
"Hey Gadreel?"
"Why do you protect me?"
"Because I'm worried-"
"Yeah I know that, why do you worry about me?"
"Because your live is in danger every time-"
"Why do you care?"
"Why do I... care?"
"Why wouldn't I care? (Y/n), you are different than me. Very different. I take my time with everything, you rush into things without a second of thought, improvise like it's a religion and are always on the verge of death. I realised without you my life would be the same. And that scared me. I don't know why but the thought of you gone, it honestly scared me. I wouldn't know what I would do, you changed the rhythm that was my life into an upbeat dramatic movement. Take away you and I don't know what I would have."
You became yo take care of yourself after that, you still did a lot of improvisation but you took a bit more time. The winchesters caught on and more planning began before every hunt. Usually on the road but it happened.
Gadreel was afraid to tell you. Afraid of the rules set out before him. Afraid of what father might think of him. Of what other angels would say. Afraid his brothers would use you against him. Afraid of just how much he loved you.

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