Castiel x Reader

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Castiel never understood 'human' habits. He started learning about them ever since you and him started to go out. At first, he just assumed that everything you did was just normal. That everyone was the same.

"Cas, if everyone was like me, then why don't you feel the same why about everyone like you do about me?" You wanted to make sure he understood that everyone was different.

"Um, well... because it's not the same, like with you," you nodded at his reply before taking his hand in yours.

"Because I'm different, you see?" He nodded, a small smile on his mouth, and his eyes still borrowing together.

"Like Dean and Sam, they are vastly different," You nodded laughing.

"Yeah Cas, like that you goof," He shook his head.

"I mean I knew everyone was different, it's just habits, some people or a lot of people have the same habits, and then others don't how do you tell?" You shurgged your shoulders.

"Habits are learned after you get close to someone, they are usually not on someone's mind first."

"Oh, ok, I see, so ok new question," You nodded letting him continue, "Why are we decorating a tree?" His face showed genuine curiosity and somewhat concern.

"It's christmas time, and it's tradition, this gives Christmas life!"

"Ok hold up, is this related to your whole 'trees lets us breath life, they gives us oxygen and without oxygen we'd be dead' thing?" You shook your head at this laughing.

"No, it's the spirit of christmas!" You said laughing.

"Couldn't you have decorated like a wall, it would be less messy?" Cas said kicking around of the pine needles on the floor. You shook your head. In the bunker you already put tinsel on the stairs and basically everywhere and anywhere.

"Without the tree, what's the point?" He shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm trying to find the point of the tree, how necessary is it really?" He cocked his head to the side like an adorable little puppy.

"Well, it's a christmas tradition, I don't know why, ask Sam to google it later, it's just something everyone does and it brings a smile to my face at night with all the lights on. It's like, I know it's christmas because of this tree," He nodded.

"So tradition."

"Yup, tradition in christmas spirit, just wait for it," You told him. The lights on the tree weren't lit, nor the lights you put on the stair rails. You still had to wait a while due to Sam and Dean putting lights on outside. They wanted the full effect of the lights. Turn everything on at once, hope nothing explodes and then walk through the house to see it all together.

And then maybe take a photo inside together.

You glanced at Castiel, watching as he added candy canes to the tree, a confused look on his face. He was do adorable without realizing it.

"And this is a way to celebrate Jesus?" He asked another difficult question. You nodded anyways.

"Yes his birthday, we give eachother gifts to celebrate and go to church, well other families will," you said while adding another candy cane to the tree before stepping back, looking at you and his work.

"But it's not-"

"It's Christmas Castiel, just live in the moment and smile!" You heard a voice that belonged to Sam Winchester.

"Is it all done?" You asked him, getting excited to view everyone's work.

"Yes, Christmas can finally feel like Christmas, you guys done too?" He asked.

"Yup, just finished added little details," you nodded and grabbed Castiels hand and leading him to the stairs.

"Woah it looks like Santa threw up in hear," you let out a laugh as Dean popped up behind Sam, for once standing taller than his brother on the stairs case.

"Haha, come on let's turn on everything and view it please?" The excitement in our voice made everyone smile as they obliged. I mean it was you who wanted to Christmas everything up.

"Let's listen to the lady," Castiel as now leading you by the hand outside, he threw on his jacket on you and together, along with the brothers you walked into the snow.

Your first Christmas with your boyfriend Castiel.

Supernatural x Reader ~OneShots~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن