Chapter 44

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Besides playing around in his mind and watching the outside world occasionally, there wasn't much to do in his mind.

"Master, play with me." Baby Draka whined. She was only two feet long right now.

"No." Hadrian replied.


"You're a figment of my imagination. Why would I ever create such an annoying version of you?" Hadrian asked.

"Because you love me." Draka said happily.

"...Why are you so strange?" Hadrian questioned in wonder.

He then got up from where he was sitting and looked out the window that showed the outside world.

His father was sitting beside him, reading a book on spells that affected the core. Of course, he never really got anywhere.

As he was watching, he failed to notice a presence behind him.

"What are you doing?" A voice asked, startling him out of his reverie. Hadrian sighed, recognizing the voice.

"Why would my mind procure you up?" He questioned, turning around to face the man.

"'Cause you love me so much." The albino stated sarcastically. Hadrian snorted, turning back to the window. "But you also know that I am not from your memories."

"Why are you here then Ash? You know what happened to me."

"I am here because you can not leave the land of the living yet." Ash replied.

"That's ironic. You're Death and inside my mind, yet you refuse to take me." Hadrian said. Ash frowned slightly.

"Why do you wish for me so much? Are you not happy with your life? You have a caring father, a faithful companion, friends your age, and magic that could be stronger than your father. What more do you wish for?!" Ash snapped.

"It is for all of those reasons that I wish to die. My father has only been in my life for a few years, my best friend is a snake, and my so called 'friends' will only ever be followers. Why would I not want you?"

"...Perhaps you should think of the ones who do care for you. Your father. Draka. Nagini... Me. They wouldn't want you dead." Ash replied quietly. Hadrian sighed.

"But they would understand. You would understand."

"Even if they did, how would you even die? You are the Master of Death, now an immortal being." Ash stated, walking closer to Hadrian.

"You can't trick me Ash. I am the Master of Death. I could order you to kill me."

"And I would immediately bring you back to life."

"Ash." Hadrian let out quietly, a knot forming in his throat. "You don't understand."

"What don't I understand little snake?" Ash asked in a comforting manner.

"Everyone will leave me eventually. Draka will die, Father will want to, and my followers will as well."

"And what about me? I am death. I cannot die and I would never leave you."

"But you're the one that would take away all of them! Every person in the world will fall to your power, and I won't be able to do anything because it is your job to administer death!" Hadrian shouted, standing up from his seat. "Everyone will fall, and it is because of you."

Ash looked down, glaring at the floor.

"You will see eventually, son of the Dark Lord. You will see the extent of my power, and also the beauty of it. But only if you live. Hadrian, I swear to my father that I will not ferry your soul until I deem the time right. You will live for as long as I wish, and serve me in death for as long as I wish. You are my master in life, but you will never be my master in death. Now wake." Ash finished, disappearing from his mind.

"We'll see about that Death."


"Your son is very persistent. However, he will never die as long as I am death." Ash stated.

"Thank you Ash. I appreciate it." Marvolo replied. He was still sitting by the bed, looking down on his son. Ash stood behind him, like a guardian to the young boy.

"His allies have decided not to interfere, so I will decide Dumbledore's fate." Ash said quietly.

"Don't kill him yet. I want him to be betrayed." Marvolo replied darkly.


A knock on his door startled Dumbledore, for he did not notice any presence outside his office.

"Come in." Dumbledore said. A man then walked in, hair white as snow and in a cloak of white silk. His eyes were an unnerving golden color.

"Hello Dumbledore. I have come on behalf of the magical creatures of this world, as well as the other." The man stated.

"Other world?" Dumbledore questioned.

"Yes. My name is Death."

"Death? I'm sure that you must be a very powerful wizard, but you cannot fool me." Dumbledore replied, smiling.

"You will be betrayed by one close to you, in one year. You will fool yourself into thinking that you were doing the right thing and that the person killing you was actually on your side, however they will kill you for their pleasure alone. Have a nice year." Death finished. Dumbledore's smile was gone, as well as the usual twinkle in his eye.

"What makes you-" He started, but the man was already gone.


Hey guys, hope you liked the chapter! I don't have water polo for the spring, so I'll hopefully be able to update more often. So yay to that! Have a nice day!

Amber Silverwood

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