Chapter 22

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At the end of the year, Hadrian went back to the Chamber of Secrets to say bye to Salazar and Tylin, both of which he had grown very close to. Tylin was very protective of Draka and him, and Salazar had taught both of them a lot. Salazar felt like a grandfather to Hadrian.

After their first meeting, Hadrian instructed Tylin to stop the petrifications, and had secured the schools future. Though, Hadrian had done it with a heavy heart, as he had wanted them to continue.

It was the last week of school, and Hadrian was excited to go home and tell his father of his new knowledge. This would be the last time he would be in the Chamber of Secrets for awhile though, and that thought alone dulled his enthusiasm.

As he was saying goodbye to Salazar, he felt something shift within the wards he had set up. Someone had entered the chamber through the bathroom, without the password. It was then that Hadrian remembered that he had forgotten to lock all of the entrances behind him. Pulling out his wand, he had Tylin stay with Salazar's portrait as he planned to confront the intruder.

Minutes past, and then a lump of orange peeked in, looking around. Hadrian's eyes narrowed in anger.

"Weasley." He sneered. Ron Weasley stepped all the way through, looking around in awe.

"Beautiful, isn't it? Salazar Slytherin was a master architect, and created beautiful stone statues that not even Gryffindor could copy." Hadrian said as Weasley walked forward.

"You're the one causing the petrifications?! I should have known!" Weasley screamed. Hadrian sighed in annoyance.

"No, I did not cause the petrifications. Though, I wish it were me. They were genius."

"You'll pay for this Riddle!"

"Did I not just say it wasn't me?" Hadrian deadpanned, gazing at the redheaded like he was an idiot. Though, he actually was one.

"Riddle!" Weasley yelled as he drew his wand and threw a spell. Hadrian let it fly past his ear, not even bothering to move.

"You have rather poor aim, don't you." He drawled, cocking his head to the side. Weasley's face grew as bright as his hair, and he charged towards Hadrian recklessly. He sighed, and blew the red head back with a blast of magic, before calling out in Parseltongue to Tylin.

"~Tylin, would you come here and play with this blood traitor?~" He said, and watched as the basilisk sped towards Weasley from the cavern. The boy yelped and ran into the sewers, Tylin following close behind.

Hadrian sighed as the two disappeared from his view, turning back and grabbing his bag and books.

Five minutes past, and eventually Tylin came back with a petrified Weasley in his mouth.

"~Can I eat it?~" Tylin asked. Hadrian opened his mouth to agree, but closed it and shook his head.

"~I wish you could, however that would draw suspicion to us. I will take it out and leave it in the bathroom for someone to find after releasing it from the petrification. I can not let the school shut down.~" He stated, levitating the boy from Tylin's mouth to follow him out of the chamber.

"~Goodbye hatchling.~" Tylin said. Hadrian turned his head slightly.

"~Goodbye Tylin. I... will miss you.~" He replied, hesitating, before giving the giant snake a grin and walking out.


"Obliviate." Hadrian muttered, pointing his wand at Weasley. He had just released the boy from the petrification using Parselmagic, though with a few failures. Even after months of practicing Parselmagic under the guidance of Salazar, he still had yet to master the basics.

Sending a last glance to the chamber, Hadrian left the bathroom and headed back to the dorm to finish packing.


"Hadrian, will you be attending the ball this summer? We're finally old enough to go, and Father has decided to let all Pureblood families come, regardless of whether they are light or dark. I find it rather strange, because this means the blood traiters will be roaming freely in our home. Though, Mother said that..." Draco said, rambling on about the ball. Hadrian tuned him out, instead thinking about why the elder Malfoy would do this.

It was surely a political move, and a way to get the Malfoys in the good graces of light families. They had been presumed a dark family by many people, but by inviting light families, they would show unbiased opinion towards all magical persons. That would surely positively influence public opinion of them.

If the public opinion of the Malfoy family is positive, then Lucius Malfoy is more likely to be voted to a higher political seat in the Wizengamot. If he has a higher seat, he has better influence over which laws are passed, increasing the chance of his father's ideals being placed in wizarding society. So really, letting light pureblood families come to the ball was his father's orders.

Hadrian smirked, and turned to Draco.

"Yes, I will be going with my father."


I just made this giant family tree for Hadrian, it's like, giant. Giant. Anyways, I hope you liked the chapter, getting pumped for the ball and stuff. And there was some Weasley action too! Just a thought, why is Draco a Weasel when the Weasley's actually have Weasel in them? Thanks!

Jk, he's actually a ferret. Thanks for the correction!

Amber Silverwood

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