Chapter 19

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The next few days consisted of Hadrian getting back into the flow of schoolwork and personal studies, while still managing to get eight hours of sleep each night.

He was doing much better in his wolf form after hours more of practice, and it was slowly feeling as natural as his human form. Running with Draka in the Forbidden Forest was the most fun he had ever had, and she enjoyed it as well. At least, the part where she rode on his back. Hadrian was rather large in his wolf form, standing at an imposing height of 5 feet. The fact that his green eyes glowed in comparison to his snow white fur just added to the regal look.

It was a few months after school began that Hadrian started hearing a snake whispering through the walls. It had to be very large to move so fast, so fast that Hadrian couldn't keep up with it to speak.

These rather strange occurrences always followed up with a mudblood becoming petrified. Dumbledore was getting very worked up about this, so it didn't come as a surprise when he found himself walking to his office after dinner.


"Hadrian, my boy, lemon drop?" Dumbledore started, holding out a bowl.

"I don't believe we are so familiar with each other that you can call me by my given name, Dumbledore. Now how about we get to the reason you called me here. The petrifications, am I correct?" Hadrian glared, intentionally disrespectful.

"Yes, correct as always, Mr. Riddle. I was hoping you would shed some light on us concerning these strange events." Dumbledore said.

"Well, I'll tell you now. If I knew anything, I wouldn't tell you. Capiche? Alas, I do not know anything, so fortunately, this is goodbye for what hopefully will be awhile! Bye bye!" He said cheerfully, waving goodbye. Dumbledore stood, trying to stop him, but Hadrian was already gone and walking down the spiral staircase.

Dumbledore sighed. He was hoping to figure out if the boy was a Parselmouth or not.


"Hadrian, where were you last night? You never came back to the common room." Draco asked, sitting on the couch opposite of Hadrian's chair.

"Dumbledore forced me to meet with him." Hadrian said, sighing. Draco sneered.

"The fool, thinking he can single you out like that." He muttered. Hadrian looked over at him.

"Draco. Mind your thoughts." He said. Draco nodded hesitantly, and went back to his schoolwork. Hadrian, who was already done, left the common room to scout the whole school for the Chamber of Secrets.

Flying past people in his shadow form, he started with the first floor and continued on, ending on the fifth floor to stop for the night. He searched every room on each floor, however each one didn't have any secrets to it. Sure, there were some strange portraits that nobody ever noticed, however there weren't any Parseltongue secrets. He left the floors and went back to the dungeons, resting for the next day.


During lunch, Hadrian had an unexpected visitor from the Gryffindor table. Ginevra Weasley, the only girl in the Weasley family.

"Is there something you wished to talk to me about, Ginny?" Hadrian smirked. She nodded.

"I found this with my books, and it had the same last name as you." She said, handing over a book. It was a plain and old book with the only words being 'Tom Marvolo Riddle'.

"Thank you very much, Ginny. This was my father's, I'm not sure how it ended up in your hands." He smiled. She blushed, turning away and walking back to the Gryffindor table. Hadrian put the diary in his bag, making sure no one saw it, and went back to the Slytherin table to finish his breakfast.

In his room, Hadrian explained to Draka the situation with the diary and the Chamber of Secrets.

"~Why not tell your father about this?~" She suggested. Hadrian shook his head.

"~He does not need to be bothered with something like this. Besides, it was a challenge from him to find the Chamber of Secrets. I wouldn't want to break the rules of this fun game.~" He smirked. Draka stayed silent, and went back onto his shoulders to stay with him for the rest of his lessons.


"Mr. Riddle, why is there a snake on your shoulders?" Snape snapped. They were currently in potions, and Draka had decided to stay with him during the day.

"This is my familiar, Draka. She doesn't usually attend classes with me, however she just had a meal and was rather bored." Hadrian replied innocently. Snape nodded, before returning to walking around and looking over students' shoulders.

In Defense, Lockhart was even more surprised.

"Mr. Riddle! There is a snake on you! Allow me to dispose of it for you!" He yelled, before taking his wand out and throwing a curse at Draka. Hadrian flicked it away from him with his wand, before turning towards Lockhart menacingly.

"Attempt to harm my familiar again, and you'll be on the receiving end of my wand, professor or not." He glared. Lockhart gulped, and continued with the lesson.

"Well, we'll be having a dueling club after dinner each night, and I hope you all will attend! Bye now!" Lockhart said as the bell rang, signaling the end of classes.

At dinner, Theo broached the topic of the dueling club with the other students.

"Will you be going Draco, Hadrian?" He asked.

"Of course! I'd never pass up the opportunity to put those Gryffindorks in their place!" Draco exclaimed, smirking. Hadrian simply nodded affirmative. The dueling club would be a good place to embarrass many of the Gryffindors, including that blood traitor Weasley.


Alright, so the dueling club is coming up! Will Hadrian's Parseltongue abilities be revealed like in the books with Harry, or will it remain a secret? Coming up soon! Thanks!

Amber Silverwood

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