Chapter 25

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"Father, I'm fine, you already healed me." Hadrian said as he watched his father pace.

"Which curses did you place on the Weasleys?" Marvolo asked, still pacing.

"The variation of the Gold Rigger and the Cursed Witch. Why?"

"I'm beginning to think that their punishment for kidnapping you was too lenient." Marvolo stated. There was silence for awhile, just the crackling of the fireplace being heard. "No matter. Now tell me, how was your school year?"

"It was fine. I found the Chamber of Secrets and met Tylin and Salazar, and also found this." Hadrian replied, placing his father's diary on the table.

"Where did you find this?" Marvolo asked, grabbing the book.

"Ginny Weasley had it on her. She gave it to me after seeing your name." Hadrian said. Marvolo sighed, sitting down.

"And I'm assuming you spoke with it?" Hadrian nodded. "Well, I guess I'll be explaining this to you sooner than I thought.

"There is an ancient and very dangerous piece of dark magic called Horcruxes. They are pieces of a soul that are attached to an object to grant immortality to the person. I created seven of them, however when I went to get you from the Potters, Dumbledore got in the way and I had to find a way to mark you. I made you my eighth Horcrux."


"Excuse me?" Hadrian said after a long silence. "You just made me a Horcrux instead of placing a tracker or something on me?!"

"Dumbledore would have gotten rid of that, and being a Horcrux may also ensure your safety." Marvolo replied calmly.

"What do you mean?" Hadrian asked.

"A normal, non living Horcrux can not be destroyed by any spell or magical object. I have yet to find what can. I am not sure if this applies to you, however if it does, then you are basically immortal." He answered. Hadrian stared at him, then calmly asked,

"Immortal? As in, never dying, as in, living forever?" Marvolo nodded affirmative. "This, this is amazing! I could learn every spell known! I could watch history unfold and know exactly what happened! I could, I have all the time in the world!" Hadrian exclaimed, running through possibilities.

"Hadrian, be careful. Immortality is not something to be trifled with. You are a Horcrux, and that is enough. You have no need to make your own." Marvolo warned.

"Father, how could you say that? If I make my own Horcruxes, and find the other Deathly Hallows, I will be invincible! Nothing could stop me!"

"Hadrian!" Marvolo yelled, standing up and stopping his son's ranting. "There will always be a way to kill someone, even with that many back up measures." He said.

"And of course you would say that. You only have Horcruxes, and nothing else. If someone destroys them, then poof! You're gone. Me though, I have Death on my side. Death! I'm unbeatable!"

"Not right now though. At this moment, you only have two of the Deathly Hallows. You don't have any Horcruxes, and Dumbledore might already have a way to destroy them. Right now, you're at the mercy of others. Get the Elder Wand from Dumbledore, and then you can say something about being unbeatable." Marvolo finished, and motioned for Hadrian to get out.

"I'll show you Father. I'll show you how strong I can become." He promised, and went to his room.


"Zolton, in five minutes I want you to throw this rock in this veil here." Hadrian instructed. Zolton nodded, and watched as his master entered the array of colors.

Inside, Hadrian looked around, smiling. He had made this pocket of space during the school year after the Sorcerers Stone fiasco. He hadn't needed it during that year, but took the time to perfect it in his second year.

It was much like he had invisioned it when he came up with the idea. A pocket of space in time that would stay put as the river, or in this case the real world, flowed. Five hours here would be five minutes there.

He had configured the space to be much like an apartment building, with a kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, and living room. He had added another room though, a storage room. He left all of his most prized possessions there, so that no one could take them. He had the Resurrection Stone and the Invisibility Cloak there, as well as the Sorcerers Stone, which his father left in his care. Other things, such as rings and books, littered the floor.

Searching through the many trinkets, Hadrian finally came upon the Resurrection Stone and the Invisibility Cloak. Putting them to the side, he grabbed a piece of chalk and drew a circle with runes in them. Finishing it, he placed the stone and cloak in the center and cut his wrist, letting his blood flow over the runes.

Minutes passed, before darkness suddenly clouded the area, leaving Hadrian unable to see anything.

"I had a feeling you would call me, though the timing was a bit unexpected." Hadrian heard. The darkness took shape, forming a handsome young man with unnaturally pale skin and white hair. His eyes contrasted the white though, being black where the white usually is and having gold for pupils. His voice was also unnatural, sounding as if he were speaking through a Muggle electronic.

"Death?" Hadrian asked. The man nodded.

"If you wish to call me that. What is your reason for summoning me here?" Death asked, giving Hadrian a maniacal grin.

"I think you know why." He replied. Death laughed, throwing his head back and causing his spiky hair to move.

"I like you, boy. Are you not afraid of me?"

"Of course I am. My father and I share that trait. Though I don't find reason to show that fear when I know you won't kill me." Hadrian said. Death looked him over, still grinning.

"You share more than one trait with him. Though I think you look even better than him, with Xerthea being your mother and all. Strange that a woman like her, one that didn't fear me at all, would share blood with a boy who fears me and me alone." Death remarked, still looking Hadrian up and down.

"If I knew that you were a pervert, then perhaps I wouldn't have called you to help me."

"Naw, you still would have. It's in your nature to dance with me!"

"Will you do it or not?" Hadrian asked, dismissing the remark about his tendencies to do dangerous things.

"I'll get the wand for you, but only 'cause you're a very good looking boy." Death said, and left. Hadrian stood there embarrassed, his cheeks slightly red from blushing.


Hello guys, say Hi to Death! If any of you are wondering what he looks like, find a picture of Hichigo from Bleach. Hichigo is the main character's (Ichigo's) 'Dark Side', and I must say, he's hot! So, yeah. That's my reasoning. Anyways, I hope you liked the chapter! Thanks!

Amber Silverwood

Okay, I'm not saying I'm awesome, but... I'm awesome! I just paired HARRY POTTER with DEATH! No one has ever done it before! Nobody! OMG I am like freaking out right now, I mean, I just paired THE Harry Potter with DEATH. As in, Death. Wow. Just wow.

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