Chapter 16

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Riddle Manor was almost as large as Black Manor, if not larger. On the outside of the wards, it looked like a rundown manor that nobody bothered to care for. Past the wards, however, was a beautiful mansion that topped everything Hadrian had ever seen.

"Welcome to Riddle Manor. As you know, my father was a Black that was disowned at birth. He was disowned because he was half Black and half Riddle. The Riddles are descendants of Slytherin, the only pure line actually. All the other lines lost their Parseltongue abilities because of mixing with muggleborns. The Riddles, fortunately, kept their pure blood in tact and continued Slytherins legacy. My father was then put under the love potion and forced to wed my mother, Merope Gaunt. The Gaunts are related to Grindelwald, thus making them descendants of the Peverells as well. That makes me the heir to two of the Peverells, not fully allowing me lordship. You however, are the heir to all three. I hope that clarified some things for you, Hadrian." Marvolo explained, looking at his son as they walked into the manor.

"It is all very confusing, however I understand better now. Thank you." Hadrian replied.

They entered through the doors, and Hadrian watched as Death Eaters bowed down on one knee, showing immediate respect.

"My followers. For years, I have tried to find the heir that was taken from me. And finally, I have. My son, Hadrian." Marvolo said, allowing Hadrian to step up beside him. "You will show him the same respect you show me, and will answer to him always. I will not tolerate disobedience. If any of you should harm him, expect immediate death, regardless of who you are." Marvolo threatened, glaring.

"Yes, My Lord." The Death Eaters said, before going back to what they were doing.

"Come, Hadrian." Marvolo said, guiding Hadrian up a flight of stairs. They continued going up until they came to the top.

"This is my room. If you need anything, you can come to me." He said, before walking to the room on the other side of the hall. "And this is your room. It was originally a nursery, when your mother was expecting, however I had the elves change it over the years." Marvolo said, opening the door to reveal his room.

The floor was a dark polished redwood, and the walls were a few shades lighter. The bed, which was a four poster, had brown sheets and pillows, with a white pillow in the center of the pile.

The bathroom was white marble with a brown sink and shower, and a large bath tub was off to the side.

There was a nice study that had a fireplace and couches, and a redwood desk that looked brand new. Overall, it was warm and comfortable, perfect for Hadrian.

"Thank you, I love it." Hadrian said wistfully. He then stopped, and opened his mouth to say something, before closing it and shaking his head.

"You can ask me anything." Marvolo said. Hadrian suddenly looked nervous, and glanced away.

"I was wondering, well, for awhile now, and you kind of brought it up, but I didn't want to ask, so..." Hadrian groaned, not knowing how to ask. Marvolo was patient though, smiling in amusement.

"I was wondering, who is my mother, and why don't I know anything about her?"

Marvolo froze, not expecting that question. He slowly turned towards Hadrian and closed his eyes.

"Your mother, was not a mudblood, nor a halfblood. That is all I can tell you for now." Marvolo stated, and walked out of the room. Hadrian stood, wondering why his father was being so secretive about her.


Hadrian spent most of his time in the library, looking through records of pureblood families. If his father wasn't going to tell him about his mother, Hadrian would do it himself.

Draka refused to help for some reason, and Nagini, whom Hadrian had met awhile ago, disappeared whenever Hadrian asked her. So he searched through pureblood families by himself, trying to find a women who would have been around his father's age by now.

So far, he had gone through the Malfoys, the Greengrasses, the Parkinsons, and other major pureblood families. There were a couple of families that confused him, however.

They were small pureblood families that had made major advances in the magical world. The Grindelwalds had been an almost unnoticed pureblood family until Gellert Grindelwald appeared as a Dark Lord. Others, such as Selassie Seris and Gourdon Fales, became noticed figures through political means such as becoming Minister of Magic.

There were two families that caught his eyes however.

One family had zoometamorphagus abilities, the ability to change into animals. They were the Ancient and Noble House of Harmonia.

The other was the Ancient and Noble House of Zolmais. They had a large portion of Dark Elf blood in them, from constant marriage to the race.

Both families had a female heir around his father's time, and had dark cores. The first was Xerthea Harmonia, a pureblood with reported capabilities of zoometamorphagus. Her whereabouts were unknown, in fact nobody was sure she was even alive. The next was Aria Zolmais, pureblood, with dark and beautiful features that drew men in like a succubus. Her status was unknown as well.

Both women could be his mother, however which one actually was would make a huge impact on himself.

If Xerthea was, he might be able to use the zoometamorphagus abilities, and completely change his way of hiding. If Aria was though, there may be certain abilities that only the Dark Elves could use. He would also have a political hold on them and may be able to sway them over to the dark from being neutral for so long.

The only way to find out now was to confront his father.

Standing up, Hadrian began walking over to the door of the library, but it opened and revealed one of the Death Eaters. Barty Crouch Jr., his father had said. He was one of his father's most loyal, and had helped in his resurrection.

Barty bowed before Hadrian, before addressing him in a respectful manner.

"Young Lord, your father wishes for your presence in his study." Barty said, still kneeling.

"Thank you, you may leave." Hadrian said, walking past him. He then walked to his father's study, thinking of ways to start the conversation about his mother.

"Enter." Hadrian heard from the other side of the door, before he had even knocked. Taking a breath, he opened the door and walked in, bowing.



Xerthea is pronounced Zare-thee-uh

Aria is pretty self explanatory Ar-ee-uh

Okay! The next chapter is going to be Hadrian and Marvolo's talk about his mother. Can you guess which one it is? Comment with your answer and we'll see who can get it right! I'm going to try and make Hadrian's mother a pretty big part of the story, whether it is through the abilities he had gotten from her or her actual presence. Thank you to SAK01248 for your continued support, as it has helped me a lot with getting the motivation to write! Thanks!

Amber Silverwood

Hadrian Salazar Riddle - A Harry Potter FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now