chapter 15

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Chapter 15

I arrived at the shop after Beyond

"Well, it took you long enough," he smirked at me and I stuck my tongue out at him crossing my eyes.

"Let's go get your jam then," I smile coyly slipping my hand in to his, caressing his long and cold fingers,

"Oh you are quite flirtatious to day," he winks back, I just smirk dragging him in the shop towards the jam p, when we arrive at an aisle that contains jam I let go of his hand

"I'll be back in a minute I just need to get some stuff," I don't think he even heard me, he was way to busy drooling over the jam. It was interesting to say the least. I walk down a few more aisle until I find the one I need, I basically strut down the aisle going straight to the object I have to get for this month, my hand glides against the packet and I look them over, BB comes up behind me obviously found the specific jam he wanted,

"What are you looking f-"

"normal or normal plus?" I ask him staring at the two packet of pads in my hand, I turned around after realising that he still hadn't answered. What I saw made me literally fall on my ass and laugh till I couldn't breath,

"Stop laughing, you surprised me ok!" I'm pretty sure Beyond was trying to convince himself instead of me,

"I'm so-PAHAHAHAHAHAH" I fall into another fit of laughter, he glares at me squinting his eyes and then suddenly they light up, my laughter faltering as I look up at him making him look like a crazy, dominant, butt licker. Which I realise he is when he pulls me up and puns me against the freaking condom and luge section, awkward as hell I might just say but it probably didn't help when I turned around and picked a random packet of condoms up and said ,with a completely straight face,

"I'll get these to, just so we can have one night of fun." I grimaced just as the words left my mouth. Oh jeez what have I done I have just offered to have sex with a serial freaking killer, but then again it would get very interesting very quickly. I was brought out of my daze when Beyonds tongue licked my cheek,

"Ew what are you doing," I questioned as I wiped my face,

"Well, not a lot. But I would advise getting the condoms because we will need them later," ok so I may be a little bit coo coo but oh damn that does not mean I don't go bright red when Beyond Birthday basically tells me he wants my body. I mean if you didn't go red you aren't even living unless you're a vampire or a demon or something from supernatural. Either way I just kind melted into a hot puddle of female hormones, while I'm dieing over here he is just laughing his ass off. I collect my self and growl, pulling him tomorrow and crashing my lips onto his. I'm pretty damn sure he didn't expect that I mean I didn't even expect it. When I was about to pull away from the very, ehm what word is it again, passionate kiss? He wrapped his an arm around my waist and the other one on the back of my neck/back pulling me closer, I have no idea what happened but in a few seconds time I was basically about to do him in the middle of a freaking shop, obviously before I could he pulled away making me slightly growl at the lack of contact with in return made him smirk because he is a (excuse my language) cocky bastard, he locked eyes with me and said one simple sentence that made me grin widely and of course creepily

"We shall finish this later," but before he could leave me to get my lady items I slightly pinched his butt, he squicked slightly wich I of course didn't expect, I mean who would have thought that high of a noise would be able to come out of a crazy serial killer but the world is surprising so I guess I'll just have to get used to it.

I need up getting the normal plus if anyone of you wanted to know, I also got triple chocolate chip cookies like forty of them, they're great for my health I swear. When we got back to mine we both had forgotten that Akira wanted to talk to me, so it was slightly irritating when we had put all the stuff away and we where in the middle of a 'make-out' session in my room when Akira decided to pop up and clear his throat, I'm pretty sure he could feel Beyonds frustration rolling off him, and I'm pretty sure I heard him growl when I got up and walked downstairs and into the kitchen with Akira,

"Ok, spill." I look at him expecting him to explode with information,

"Well we have a slight problem," I look at him with a calm look on my face,

"What do you mean problem." My tone is ice cold, I'm sure if he was in fact human he would have. Learned his throat, but he isn't so he just continued,

" When you came he-"

"When you brought me here." I interrupt, he glares at me,

" When we brought you here we didn't realise the consequences," my face turn bored now,

"Well what are they?" He just shakes his head at my actions causing me to smirk,

"By consequences I mean, at some point we are going to give you a two choices," I look at him expecting more information,

"I can't tell you the choices," I look at him my interest disappearing and replaced with boredom,

"And why is that?" I question wanting to go back to Beyond and tease him a little bit more

"I can see you are just going to get bored so I'll just tell you the short version. When you came here you opened up a rift in time letting a lot of bad energy that should mix together flow through all the different dimensions. You are the one who was pulled through so in simplest way to discribed this you are basically controlling this raw energy. Now back to the choices, there is no easy way to say this but every time you make one of these choices you become a part of the place you are in. Like here, you have made your own decisions and linked yourself and this dimension meaning if you get taken from this dimension, you have the power to come bac-" I roll my eyes having heard enough,

"Yes ok I get it I have lots of power now can I go, you are just boring me," Akira just looks at me worriedly but nods either way, with that Im already slowly making my way towards my room opening the door to find a half naked beyond in my bed. Well I'm pretty sure you can guess what happened after I closed the door so let's just not put details In here,

*inserts elevator music*

I lay back on my pillow, Beyond laying next to me, our eyes slightly widened as we stare into the darkness that surrounds my room with only the window that's letting in a few slits of light,

"Well I guess those condoms did come In Handy," I smirk rolling onto my side to smirk at BB, he returns my smirk,

"You do know that this isn't going to be the last time this is gonna happen," I just nod my head, pulling his lips to mine,

"I do think I might want to go on the pill again," I say in between kissing down his neck on his shoulder blade and leaving a dark hickey,

"Also btw, that means by the way, you're mine from now on." He raises an eyebrow,

"I'm sorry but I'm not boyfriend material," I just laugh

"That's not quite what I had in mind, my friend," I wink at him and smirk laying my head against his shoulder slowly drawing circles in his arm. He doesn't respond and the silence slowly lulls me into a dreamless sleep.

AN: Hello again :) I hope this is ok, I might write the smut that goes along with it for the lols and create a book for my smutty desires :') but yeah Beyond and Marcy pretty damn hot right? xD I just couldn't help myself it was way to tempting. Thank you all for the reviews I actually wrote this because on I got quite a big review from a guest named Jammy Mc Jam Jam which I thought was a pretty damn awesome name, I couldn't reply tho because he was a guest T__T but thank you everyone for reviewing and being able to have the patience for my fail at spelling, grammar, writing in general and updating THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!!

~From Saphere❤️

Sucked In (Death Note fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora