Authors note :P i'm sorryyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I am sooooo sorry for not updating, I have seen all of your reviews and I have been trying to write but I'm just not doing so well at the moment (if you want more info on that you can pm me) For everyone who has read and reviewed my fanfiction THANK YOU! you all give me soooooooooo much motivation, I'm a quarter of the way through the upcoming chapter I will try hard to finish it but thank you everyone who has stayed, waited and read my fanfiction! Because you have done that I have created a small... Discussion with the characters :D read on

warning: OOCNESS ;)

Me: HELLO! Welcome to my Q&A with the death note characters and OCS! First I will be talking to Light!

Light do you ever wonder if Marcy actually hates you?

Light: why would my Marcy hate me? We're very close friends... (Cue creepy light face of potato chips)

Me:...ok then Next is Sayu!

Sayu! What do you think your brother does when he is alone in his room, also what do you think of Marcy?

Sayu: My brother studies in his room. What else would he do? Marcy? She's awesome! She's really pretty as well! I think Light likes her. Do you think Marcy likes Light?

Me: ahhhhhhhhh wellllllllll I don't think Marcy likes Light, but I don't think she doesn't like Light...

Sayu: oh, OK!

Me: Next is L! O.o L what did you think about when Marcy kissed you?

L: I felt very uncomfortable.

Me: no other kind of feelings?

L: was I supposed to feel something other than that?

Me: yes. Did your hormones not start raging inside your head creating an attraction for Marcy?



L: I do not find my attraction amusing.

Me: HAHAHA You just admitted you love Marcyyy!

L: actually I only ment that I find her attrac-

Me: Marcy come hereeeee

Marcy: yuusssssssss

Me: L just said he loves youuuu~!

L: No I-

Marcy: he did! (If you can't tell Marcy's eyebrows are floating off her face, that's how raised they are)

bb suddenly appears I front of us grabbing Marcy and snuggling her like she's a fluffy bunny

BB: My Marcy-Pie

Me~L~Marcy: WTF!?

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