Chapter 6

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AN: ANOTHER CHAPTER! IN THE SAME DAY! Let's just say this chapter is very... Interesting,

Disclaimer- I don't own Death Note, If I did lets just say many more L scenes :)

Chapter 6

Monday, that one day that is more irritating than someone beating you at your own game, then again that has happened to me before... But that's a completely different story! But since it's Monday I have to get up, yay Toho entrance exams!

I get up pulling on black skinny jeans and a t-shirt, the T-shirt was black and went down to my knees... Yeah it was a long T-shirt, whatcha gonna do about it? That's what I thought... I went into my bathroom brushing my hair and teeth then washing my face, after I was done I went back into my room and pulled on my leather jacket and my green converse... I have many converse... I went into my kitchen and picked up and apple, yesterday I went shopping since someone, Ryuk, had eaten all my apples! But that gave me an excuse to go for a walk, yes i like to walk, no I am not crazy, I'm just not lazy... Hey that rhymed! I closed my front door behind me locking it, I texted light to tell him i will be there in a few seconds, I jog down the street then through the ally way and then out on to Lights street, he's standing in front of his gate, waiting for me, I walked up to him

"Hey Light!" I smiled at him cheerfully, even though I felt like a zombie...

"Hey, let's get going" he looked down at my outfit, then smirked, what is he looking at... I start walking down the street, basically dragging Light behind me,

"Come on Light, It's hard to drag you around." I moaned towards him letting go of his wrist, he chuckled, I stuck my tong out at him and continued walking. Hmmm I might be over doing the friendly thing a bit...

"So, Marcy, you know you need to be wearing a uniform?" I looked at him blankly as I continued walking, his eye brow was raised and he was smirking.

"Yeah... I don't care." I deadpanned, his smirk faltered as he looked me in the eye, then he just started laughing at me,

"Ohhhh, so Little Marcy is a bad girl!" I froze at that sentence, did he just say what I thought he did, before I could turn around and slap an insult to his face he grabbed my hand and started dragging me to the gates of Toho, still laughing,

"Come on my bad little girl." The way he said 'my' made me think he wasn't just saying it for a joke, as he dragged me through the gate he intertwined our fingers together, oh hell to the no, I tried to yank my hand out of his but he held on tight, he had mischievous glint in the corner of his eye, and a smirk was plastered on his face, if he dragged me through that door with our hands intertwined everyone would get the wrong impression, and I so don't wanna be labeled as Lights girl, NOOOOO he dragged me into the room, no the whole place didn't go quiet but I saw a few girls glare daggers and some where drowning in envy, that's just nasty, why would they swoon over him, what about L, i mean he's cute... I will have to give the girl that said L was cute a high five, cause I mean well he is! I was dragged out from my very.. I interesting thoughts by a tap on my shoulder, I turned around very slowly, almost like a robot, but when my eyes came in contact with black orbs, my eyes began to glow and my mind began to fall into a big massive jumble, as I stared at him,

"Hey, I'm Ryuga, can I borrow a pencil?" I tried to say yes but all that happened was me looking like a fish, I mean come on sympathy here I have just met L... L! I turned around and poked Light, he was sitting in front of me, he turned around

"He Light, can I borrow a pencil, and can Ryuga borrow one to?" I ask innocently

"Sure, but who's Ryuga?" I point at L

"Dat guy" I smile innocently, concealing my excitement to meet L, reluctantly Light hands me two pencils,

"Thanks Lighhht." I say cheerfully, I then turned around to find L five centimeters away from my face, I keep calm even though in my head my brain was being sucked into a black hole of female hormones, I reached up and poked his face,

"I would prefer personal space..." I looked at him as I retracted my hand leaving a pencil on his desk, then I turned around, the teacher walked in telling everyone to be quiet, a few minutes later we where beginning our test.


Everyone was dismissed from the exam hall, people where crowding around the door trying to squeeze out, me? Oh I was out side siting on a bench stretching my arms, light? He was heading towards me, L? He was heading towards both me and light... This will be interesting. In only a few short seconds they where both standing I front of me,

"Marcy, in can walk you home, but first I need to go to the store." Light looked at me, ignoring L, he didn't even know he was L yet he already hated him...

"That's ok, I'll come with you, but first I think someone wants to confess there love to you, he's been staring at you for about 2 minutes, you should pay attention to your followers." I said, smiling up at Light, he was wearing an irritated look, that was wiped away as soon as he turned to look at L,

"Oh, it's just you Ryuga!" He smiled politely

"Hello, Your friend has already introduced me but I do not know yours or her name." He stated pointing at Light then me, L pointed at me...!

"My names Marcy, it's nice to meet you Ryuga, this is Light, I'm sure he feels the same way!" I smile with true kindness but then a grinned at light slyly, which L did not miss

"Hmm, I was wondering, Marcy, are both you and Light in a relationship?" L asked my, I smirked and then did an eye brow dance directed towards L

"Matter of fact we are not, why you want some of this." I said this jokingly... But you know L... He no joke...

"I would rather you stop being, provocative or I'm afraid my interests will be peeked." I can't believe he said that with a straight face... Well actually I can...

I did notice that he was staring at Light as his said this though, hmmmm experimenting time, I grinned at L

"Well Ryuga... Maybe you have peeked my interests..." there was hidden meaning in in the way I said Ryuga, like I was telling him I new that was just an alias. He looked directly towards me and I winked, bear in mind I was standing slightly behind Light so he could quiet see what I was doing,

"Hmm, well maybe we could go out some time?" It wasn't a question,

"Sounds fun, when and Where?" I asked smiling at L, he looked at Light

"How about now?" I smiled when he said this as I saw out of the corner of my eye light was tense, heh heh

"Sure! Where will we go?" I got back into my innocent role again smiling politely at L

"It's going to be a surprise." Light turned towards me, realizing that I was going to ditch him, but he couldn't do anything about it, or he would look like an idiot...heh heh, I used this as an excuse to grab L's arm just like the way Misa grabs Lights, he tensed but then I whispered under my breath,

"Play along." He looked at me slightly then we started to walk away from light towards L's limo,

"Wait!" Light shouted out to me, I turned around

"yeah Light." He looked at me, his eyebrows where furrowed,

"I'll come over to yours later, to ehh, give you some of my mums cooking..." He failed at his attempt to try and stop me, L and I just continued to walk over to Watari.

Watari looked at L, who just nodded, Watari opened the door then closed it as we got in, when we got in the limo I let go of L then sat far enough to seem polite but friendly, L looked at me as if he was deciphering a puzzle, all I did was grin stupidly at him, yeah I know I'm an idiot, don't judge!

AN: heh heh little bit of a cliff hanger there, the chapters, are they getting better? It would also be helpful if you told be who you want Marcy to be paired with! the options are out of:

- L

- BB

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Sucked In (Death Note fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon