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"hey chat!" ranboo waved at the camera with a gloved hand. behind sunglasses he peered at the his ipad to read the fast-moving text.

coraline sat on the floor, underneath the table. ranboo greeted the stream while she slapped her hands lightly against the wood tiling, waiting for her cue. unbeknownst to her, said cue would be painful.

"ow! what the fuck!" she jolted upwards from a kick in the back, thus causing her to slam her head into the underside of the table. "OW! FUCK!"

ranboo burst into laughter, leaning back in his chair (which was oddly enough not the unicorn chair. he instead sat in his old gaming chair, leaving the unicorn one to coraline).

coraline huffed and adjusted her mask. when she arose from under the table, the flipped off the boy who sat to her right. "you suck. you suck so much."

ranboo only shrugged and flicked coraline's forehead lightly, "yeah, yeah whatever. you put up with me."

"for now." she glared, jokingly.

he shook his head with another laugh before turning back to the camera. "so what we're going to do today—"

"so you're not even going to introduce me?" coraline faked a sob, "god i don't even know what we are anymore."

words danced on the tip of ranboo's tongue.

i dont even know what we are.

"shut up, gremlin. you've been on so many of my streams i just assumed that chat should know who you are by now," he said instead of his many racing thoughts. he then gestured to the girl next to
him," but still, guys this is coraline."

she waved to the camera, "hey gamers!" she mimicked ranboo's gestures, "guys this is smelly."

"stop it! i dont smell!"

"you do. you stink so bad. smelly. jesus fuckin' christ. motherfucker canonically cant take baths." she pinched her nose jokingly.

"if i smell so bad then stop stealing my clothes!"

"no!" she clutched the over-sized hawaiian shirt that she wore, "mine now. never giving it back. admit it. it looks good on me."

"you literally always look good no matter what you wear," ranboo laughed, adjusting his glasses, "what point are you trying to make?"

"awww mr. boo thinks im pretty."

"and? what about it?"

"kiss me. right now loser."

"no," he shook his head with a laugh.

the two hadn't announced what they were going to do yet. the past 45 minutes of the stream only consisted of back-and-fourth flirting and taunts. it took 14 messages from ranboo's mods to get them back on track.

"god— sorry okay so we're literally just doing mediashare. its a you-laugh-you-loose."

— ❀

the screen showed a video of a cat in a wheelchair. the cat fell off of the wheelchair and into a bed.

"omg me."

ranboo burst out laughing, causing him to hold hsi stomach as he leaned back in the chair.

coraline's face was stoic as the boy next to her struggled to catch his breath. "i win."

"no! you made me laugh! that—" more laughing, "—that doesn't count!"

coraline shook her head, a smirk sitting behind her face mask, "nope. it counts. what do i win?"

"there's no prizes. the stream just ends."

"oh. yeah. bye losers."

ranboo ended the stream, leaving just him and coraline to sit in their chairs silently.

coraline was the first to take off her mask and glasses, "how the fuck do you do that all the time? thats wretched."

the boy followed suit, "what do you mean?"

"wear the mask while sweating half to death."

"why are you sweating?"

"its fuckin' hot as hell in here."

"coraline," ranboo glanced at the thermostat that sat on the wall actors from them, "its 65 degrees."

"oh." she shrunk in her seat a little, "guess its just me."

"i thought you were setting up for a joke," his eyebrows furrowed as he looked at her, "are you okay?"

when she turned, she didn't expect his face to be so close. her breath hitched, and her mind raced faster that it was before. "you make me nervous," she choked out.

"what?" he backed away a small bit, "how? am i making you uncomfortable? god im so sorry—"

"its a good kind of nervous," she looked at her torn up coverse, "i think..."

when he didn't reply, coraline looked up from her shoes, trying to figure out what to do. her eyes were fixated on him, and as was he with her.

the two unconsciously moved closer, almost as if it was natural.

things like breathing, blinking, your heart pumping blood? those are all involuntary movements that the body does every day. additionally, another involuntary movement was discovered that day.

when you like someone that much. when you want to be that close to them. when you want to touch them in the softest way possible. when you want to just... be with them, the body takes it into it's own hands. once lips lock, everything becomes automated.

the kiss was soft, sweet, and full of so much emotion that words couldn't even try to describe. a simple profession of love couldn't even dare to match it. coraline's calloused hands caressed ranboo's face softly, pulling him in deeper.

cliche after cliche, cheesy storyline after cheesy storyline, they all described kisses as bursting fireworks, butterflies dancing in the air, but god were they all so wrong.

kisses don't feel like the earth stops. like the planets, the stars, the whole universe pauses for a moment. they don't feel like the sky opening up after a long, cold rainy day. they don't feel like finally landing that sick skateboard trick you've been practicing for months. they don't feel like randomly guessing the correct combination to a vault full of everything you could've ever wanted.

what they do feel, is genuinely indescribable.

ranboo was the first to pull away, leaving coraline to absentmindedly chase after his lips. with flushed faces and dumbfounded expressions, the two smiled.

"was that my prize?"

"for what? winning?"


"no. i was probably going to do that even if you lost."

"oh. nice. can we do it again?"


another long kiss, this time coraline pulling away.

"be my boyfriend?"


"do you want to be my boyfriend?"

"well, do you want to be my girlfriend?"

"what do you think?"

and then another kiss.

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