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the door to ranboo's bedroom slammed shut abruptly, causing him to quickly press the mute button on his stream deck.

"coraline?" he looked at the girl who stood facing the door still.

"sorry for entering so loudly," she laughed weakly, "i didn't know you were streaming."

"hey— no its okay. whats wrong?" he stood up from
his desk chair and made his way to his girlfriend, who was shaking slightly with each breath.

"no— no its, i can talk about it after your stream," she turned around finally. with dripping mascara and wet cheeks she faintly smiled, shooing ranboo back to his desk.

"no, you're obviously not okay. im ending the stream, hold on," he rushed back to his desk. "hey chat! i am so sorry but something came up and i'm going to have to end stream—"

"stop! im fine!"

"no you're not. coraline, you're shaking! bye chat."

ranboo made his way back to coraline. she shook her head, "you didn't have to do that."

"yeah of course i dont have to, but i want to! coraline, you're my girlfriend! i cant just stream while you're so clearly upset," he cupped her face softly, wiping away the tears from under her eyes. "do you want to talk about it?"

she took a shaky breath, looking down at the floor. ranboo quickly let her to his bed, sitting them both down.

"do you think i could stay with you for a bit?" she laughed weakly.

"what?" his eyes widened, "of course! yes of course you can stay here— what happened though?"

"well, i got home from work," coraline looked at her hands, her knuckles were bruised and raw from punching brick buildings in anger, "and saw all of my stuff on the front yard. all of it. the—"

ranboo held her tightly as she sobbed. she wailed, trying to gasp for breath every three seconds. he rubbed soft circles into her back, slowly easing her.

"my mom broke the fucking computer you bought for me! she broke everything! she—" she sat up from her position buried in ranboo's chest, "she fucking kicked me out!"

— ❀

coraline collapsed onto ranboo's bed as he walked into the room with the final box.

"you'd think she'd have the decency to at least get you cardboard boxes," he groaned, setting it down,
"that was the most awkward home depot visit ever."

coraline only grumbled as a response, causing her boyfriends's face to sadden. he took off his coat and made his way over to her.

"sit up."

she did what was told, and slowly opened her eyes. ranboo took her cheeks into both of his hands softly, and brought his lips to her forehead.

"i salvaged what i could," he pressed his forehead against hers, "majority of it was just random knickknacks, and not much clothes. you can wear mine for now until we go out and you some more, okay?"

with teary eyes, coraline nodded. ranboo gave her another soft kiss on her forehead before standing up. he made his way to his closet, and dug through the array of clothing.



coraline rubbed her eyes, "can i wear the discord partner hoodie?"

he smiled softly, thinking back to the night after coraline's show. they sat on a hill by lake sinclair, staring out at the calm water. she had gotten cold, so he offered her the hoodie he had.

the same hoodie that coraline now currently zipped up over her stupidly-oversized "virginity rocks" shirt.
she laid back under the bed's blankets and spread open her arms. with a soft chuckle, ranboo made his way over to her and joined her under the warm duvet. coraline instantly clung to the tall boy, her arms wrapped tightly around his torso.

"thank you."

he smiled as he ran his hands through her hair, "of course."

"i love you."

ranboo's breath hitched. his senses were unfamiliar to those words, but when coraline looked up at him with soft, tired eyes, his heartbeat calmed, and he smiled again.

with a soft kiss, he replied;

"i love you too."

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