Just Keep Running *Pokemon Black* [Chapter 12]

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Chapter 12- 

"Hello!" I said happily. She jumped and ran under the bed. "No, no, no. I'm not going to hurt you," I said as I crouched down underneath the bed. She was curled up in a ball and I could hear her quick pace of breath. 

She slowly crawled out of the bed and sat against it, staring up at me. "Sorry I had to ask Zorua to hurt you a little." Zorua walked into the bedroom and jumped up on the bed and stared down at her. Audino glanced up at her and then back to me, I could see how much her eyes were filled with fear. 

"We're not going to hurt you again okay?" I whispered, putting my hand on her narrow shoulder. She nodded and stood up, looking less afraid. "Would you like some food?" 

I brought Audino to the kitchen and pulled down a box of Pokemon Food, the type that Zorua is always eating. I poured it into a bowl and put it on the floor for her to eat. She shook her head and gave me an are-you-kidding-me kind of glance. She walked over to the fruit bowl and grabbed and apple. She tossed it into her mouth and nearly ate it whole. 

"Well then," I murmured and got her a bowl of water. She happily drank and looked at me for more. I refilled it three times before she was satisfied. 

"Audino," she said and touched her belly. There was quick flash of light and she looked brighter. Her shade of pink was more vibrant and her ears perked up. Zorua walked into the room and we both looked at each other and Audino ran to her and did the same thing. We smiled at each other just knew. 

It has been a week since Zorua and I caught Audino. She had really grown to like us and was at level 24 already, which was a drastic improvement at her starting level four. She's grown taller and her colors are beginning to be bright all the time, she doesn't even have to heal herself to do so.

We all went to the Pokemon Center to receive our call from N. It was about nine when I finally decided to swallow my pride and call him. I had hopes  that he would wonder why I didn't call, so he would. 

I dialed the number for his Xtranciever. It rung and there was no answer again. I called again, no answer. I did one final time and ended with the same results. 

"He's probably busy right? We can just call again tomorrow Audino." 

Her eyes grew wide and she ushered out a small, "Audino..." 

"Yeah, I know you wanted to meet him. I bet we'll get him tomorrow." I stood up and we made our way back to the house. It was getting late, so it was practically pitch black outside. 

I noticed a light inside as we approached the house. I unlocked the door and walked to the kitchen where the light was on. With his back to me, stood a tall boy with long green hair and a black cap, washing my dishes. 

"N!" I shouted and jumped for him. He quickly turned around and caught me in his arms. I kissed his face and his lips. He let me down and I just stood there for a moment, staring at him. It may have only been a few weeks without him, but it felt much longer than that. 

"What happened? Why are you here?" I asked as I lead him to the living room, my fingers intertwined with his. We sat down on the couch and Audino and Zorua shyly peeked into the room. 

"I just thought that I should stop by, see you." I kissed his cheek. 

"Come on in guys."

Zorua ran as fast as she could and jumped onto his lap. He petted her and kissed her head. "I missed you girl." 

"This is Audino, I caught her after I talked to you last week." She waddled over and stood a couple feet away from him. 

"Hello sweetheart," he motioned for her to come closer, where he pulled a treat out of his pocket and fed it to her. "Do you keep her in a pokeball?" He whispered into my ear. 

"No, she's never wanted to go into one." I whispered back. He smiled from ear-to-ear and kissed me on the cheek.

"I love you," he said. 

"I love you too," I smiled, finally happy I could say it when he was right here. 

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