Just Keep Running *Pokemon Black* [Chapter 14]

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Chapter 14- 

Audino became alert and stared threateningly down at the rustling bush. "Au-di-no." She said slowly and cautiously. 

Out of the bush popped Zorua. She was covered in leaves and vines. She stared up at me and began to shout. Her eyes were narrowed as she climbed up the tree to look me in the eyes. I had never before felt so threatened by such a tiny pokemon. 

"If you say so," I said, getting the gist of what she was trying to communicate. "We'll 'talk it out' I don't know what that'll do though." 

Audino stared at me in pure shock. Now she began to lescure me. She ended her lescure by slapping me across the face. "Come on Audino, I think you'd rather be in a warm bed than in a tree. Am I wrong?" 

She looked to the side and muttered a small and agreeing, "Audino." 

We climbed down the tree and began to walk north, at least it seemed north. "Did we come this way?" I asked Audino. She looked around cautiously and shrugged her shoulders. I haven't been in the woods in months, I don't really remember how to get to N's house. It was a miracle I had found my tree in the first place. 

Piles of leaves and tree branches shook with the wind and with the movement of pokemon. A nearby Noctowl and HootHoot  cried in a tall tree as we passed by. Audino and Zorua were sure to keep close to me. 

"Are we lost Zorua?" I asked. She looked around and shook her head. She looked lead of the group and we began to weave our way around the forest. "It probably wasn't a great idea to wander the woods at night." I said, directing my comment at Zorua. 

"Zo, zo, zo." She mumbled, the human equivilant to 'yeah, yeah, yeah' 

We kept moving for another half hour. We eventually made our way to what was previously the day care center and now it was who-knows-what. I glanced into the window. "Looks like the coast is clear." Zorua looked unpersuaded. "I don't know about you, but I really don't want to wander around the woods all night. I'm gonna break in and have a roof over my head for the night." 

Zorua looked upset, but she still followed. I went to what used to be the outdoor play pen, and was now just a large patch of grass. The pokemon toys were gone, and the cute picket fense was taken apart and thrown in the woods. The doors were all locked, and so were the windows. 

"I'll just go in through the chimney." They both looked at me in horror. "Right. I'm probably not as thin and small as I used to be. One of you can do it." I suggested. 

They both shook their heads. "Listen. Do you want to have to sleep in the leaves or in the trees?" They both looked to the side. I smiled and helped them up. "Now Audino, the door is usually open from the inside but if it's not you're going to need to attack the knob or something. Just make sure not leave too much damage." 

The mumbled to each other and I heard them descend down the chimney. They landed with a loud crash. In a moment, Audino opened the door. She was covered with soot and Zorua came out of the fireplace covered with ash. I walked in and helped them clean up, which was easy with the small pokemon bath. Luckily they hadn't gotten rid of it yet. 

The entire daycare center was covered with flags with an odd crest on it. I stared at them, wanting to tear them down and show they to N, asking him what was up with this. I decided to leave it though. I wandered around the center, looking for something to sleep on. I eventually remember that there used to be a few blowup mattresses in the attic. 

The attic was towards the front of the daycare center. I pulled down the string attached the ceiling and walked up. It looked like those people hadn't yet cleared it out. I pulled down an air mattress and used a handheld pump to blow it up. I lied down on it and put my sweatshirt over my legs. Audino and Zorua curled up at the foot of the bed and we drifted off into a sleep together. 

I was awoken by various noises. "Wow Jim, that was a pretty great party last night." One man said. I could hear a lock being put into the front door, about ten feet away. I silently woke Zorua and Audino up and pulled out the cork of the air mattress. 

"Yeah, did you meet Cindy, my wife?" We all ran into a nearby closet. It used to be the pantry where we kept the pokemon food but the shelves were taken away and it was now filled with pokeballs in bags. 

"I think so, she was nice, really pretty." The first man commented as the door was unlocked and they entered. 

More began to come in, one by one I heard their conversations as they walked in. "We have to get out of here." I whispered. I stared at all the pokeballs and they picked up a few. They were all inhabited, not yet released. 

I nodded at Audino and Zorua. I pulled them into my arms, not wanting to get separated during the run. I opened the door a bit and began to press the center button on the pokeballs and let pokemon free. 

I had let about twenty free when I decided to make a run for it. I threw some behind me and soon the room was filled to the brim with various pokemon. I ran for the door and heard someone shout behind me, "She's stolen N's Zorua!" 

Another shouted, "THIEF!" 

A few various people shouted, "GO GET HER!" As I opened the door and began to run out. 

I dropped Audino and Zorua, letting them run themselves since I couldn't carry them. "Why. Do. You. Have. To. Be. So. Freaking. Famous?" I said through breaths as we ran through the woods. This seemed like such dejavu. 

I could hear them gaining on us. "Audino, go west and meet with us back at my tree okay? I don't want them to capture you." She looked reluctant but she began to go west and it was just Zorua and me. 

"Swoobat, use gust!" One of them shouted behind me. The gust hit me square in the back and sent me flying. I tripped over a rock and fell flat on my face. 

I knew they had captured me. "I don't have any pokemon, just let me go." 

"You had N's Zorua. Where did she go?" I looked around and didn't see her in sight. 

Another handcuffed me and pulled me up. "Come on now. Let's go see N about releasing every one of your pokemon." He said as he pulled me along. 

Just Keep Running *Pokemon Black*Where stories live. Discover now