Just Keep Running *Pokemon Black* [Chapter 3]

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Sorry I havent written in awhile, I barely even go on the computer lately.

Chapter 3-

I stared at the pokemon for a few moments and smiled. "I should be going now." He said softly. He patted Zorua's head and I stood up. I pushed my brown bangs behind my ear and showed a small smile.

"Don't worry, Mr...?" I trailed off. He looked at me for a few moments and then seemed to have caught on.

"Oh, N, just call me N." I've never heard that name before, and I've met a lot of people and have heard some of the strangest names.

"Does that stand for something?" I asked curiously.

"No." He answered sternly. "Goodbye Meadow." He turned and walked away. I saw something bouncing off of his hip as he walked. It looked like a Rubik's cube. This kid is really strange to carry a Rubik's cube on his belt. Maybe it's some new wallet or some kind of Pokedex.

"Strange kid..." For the rest of the day I would play with the Zorua. I was really giving her my full attention and the small creature amazed me. She had this sense of sass that just made me laugh. Zorua was also very loving to me, but that didn't happen until later in the day. It wasn't  until about three when she finally came to me.

The day went by slowly and it was soon eight. The daycare was being locked up and all the trainers have already come to pick of this pokemon. Most were a little disappointed that they didn't grow many levels. Mr. Renolds locked up and offered to wait with me outside the daycare until N came to pick up Zorua.

"No, it's all right. I don't mind." I would probably be missing the leftovers at the pokemon center though. They usually lock every door except for the front after 8:30.

I sat against the fence with Zorua resting in my arms. The sun lowered into the horizon and it wasn't long until it was night. The sky was darker than usual, it was a new moon. The stars in the sky seemed to dance together as I stared at them. I looked over at the clock that was above the entrance to the daycare. It was 8:45.

I yawned, "If N likes you so much, then why couldn't he come to pick you up on time? I have to stay here though, or else I'll probably get in trouble for stealing you." Zorua closed her eyes as if she actually understood me. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. I've had a long day.

I woke up when I heard the sounds of someone approaching. I looked to the clock, it was 9:30 now. I stood up, still holding Zorua, and checked my surroundings. I looked to where the sound of twigs breaking was coming from and took a few steps back.

Emerged from the woods was a very frightening person. He was tall and muscular. The man had a black bandanna and his face was deeply scarred. He was dressed in all leather and he looked at me with hate. His eyes were filled with darkness and hatred. I knew what he was...a Pokemon Snatcher.

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