Just Keep Running *Pokemon Black* [Chapter 2]

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Chapter 2-

When I awoke the next morning I hung my legs off my branch. I cracked my back and neck and then looked down. There was a small Purrloin. I was rather fond of this pokemon, it was usually shy towards people that it knew would hurt it. I wasn't a trainer, so even if I wanted to hurt it, I couldn't. The cat-like creature looked to be hurt. I jumped down to it and it cringed in my presence.

"Don't worry little guy, I'm not going to hurt you." I said softly holding out my hand for it to sniff. The Purrloins that came to the day care were always very friendly and they would never run away from a person. "Come on, Meadow is going to help you." I spoke in third person, which made me really feel like I was talking to a child. I held out my hand closer to it.

It sniffed it for a moment and I smiled. Its whiskers tickled my fingertips. It opened its mouth and I didn't pull away in time, it bit me! I pulled my hand to my chest as blood began to pour out of three fingers. I put my fingers to my mouth in an attempt to stop the bleeding, but my mouth filled with blood and I coughed at the terrible taste.

I heard a rustle and someone came running. It was that boy that helped me in the Pokemon Center last night. He picked up the Purrloin and glared at me for a moment.

"Sorry, I guess it didnt like me, it used bite on me." I said holding out my hand to show him the cuts. Blood trickeled down my fingers and his eyes widened.

"It is my fault, I should have been watching him. Let me help." He pulled my hand closer and then ripped off the bottom of his shirt. He wrapped it around my fingers and then pressed his lips to the cloth. I gasped and pulled away quickly, hitting his nose in the process.

"What are you doing? Are you mad?" The last time someone has kissed one of my wounds was, when I was when I got hurt in the playground when I was around ten and my mother kissed my bruised arm.

"Isn't that what people do?" He asked cautiously.

"Not at this age! You're like eighteen!" I shouted and stood up. He stood up as well, still holding his Purrloin close.

"Seventeen." He corrected.

"Please, leave me alone!" I said and ran off. I ran down the hill to the river and looked behind me. I saw his Purrloin, but not him. I sighed and looked at the piece of cloth around my fingers. A little blood had seeped through the cloth, but it seemed to be stopped now.

I walked to the day care, really hungry and knocked on the door. Mr. Renolds answered the door. He was probably about two years younger than Mrs. Renolds. He has a few less wrinkles, but other than that, they look just the same age.

"Meadow," he said, he seemed surprised, "You're early!" I was nearly always late, simply because I was always falling asleep late because I was hungry.

"Yes, is that okay?" I asked.

"It's fine, but I'm not paying you overtime." He said and smiled. I didn't really care if I was getting paid overtime or less than my usual pay, it won't really get me anywhere. I only get a few meals with the I get each week.

I walked to the play area and began playing with the pokemon. There weren't any new ones, but a couple from yesterday were missing. Nevertheless, I still gave them all my attention. I was the only worker that they actually had. When I started off, they had two other girls, who were twins. I remember them always getting mad at me because I would mix them up, they hated that. Those two luckily moved though, and Mr. and Mrs. Renolds luckily didn't want to hire anyone else.

I looked over and saw the boy. He was staring at me and I went to the back right away and made it look like I was playing with a Sandile. He walked away but no more than two seconds after I couldnt see him anymore, I heard the bell of the day care, someone had just entered.

Mrs. Renolds talked to someone and then told them to see me. In the door came the boy. He walked over to me and then smiled. "Hello, I apologize for what had happened earlier. I hope you will forgive me."

"Yeah it's okay." I lied, I was still a little shaken from it. Nobody has shown me a sign of love since my parents, it was just awkward.

"Please tell the truth Meadow." He said. My eyes must have popped out. Nobody has EVER been able to tell that I was lying, how could he figure that out when he doesn't even know me?

"How do you know my name?"

"My Purrloin told me, and so did the day care woman. Anyway," he threw up a pokeball and a small Zorua stood there. I have never actually seen one of these in person, they are so rare and scarce. I've only heard stories about them. "This is my Zorua. Take good care of her for the day, I'll pick her up at around eight." My shift was over at seven, I suppose I could just leave it here and have Mrs. Renolds give it to him.

"Anything that she needs that is special?" I asked.

He looked at her for a few moments. "Love," he looked at me. "This pokemon is my entire life, I've had her since I was young. If anything ever happened to her, I would be broken. So basically this pokemon is my heart. Do you think you'll have any troubles holding my heart?"

That question stunned me, not by the way he said it, but how he looked at me when he said it. The words he was saying was really coming from his heart, I should really stay the extra hour to make sure that she'll be well taken care of.

I didn't hesitate though, "No, I'll take good care of it."

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