Just Keep Running *Pokemon Black* [Chapter 15]

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Chapter 15-

"Where are you taking me?" I asked as they loaded me into the back of a vehicle. My hands were cuffed behind my back. One of them pushed me onto the steel seat. 

"N's castle. Ghetsis will take care of you." He said and tied a gag around my mouth. 

The car ride was long and extremely bumpy. The car halted to a stop and they roughly pulled me out. We were in front of a white castle. The windows were high and there were many platforms that reached to the ground. It looked like it could reach the clouds. The other grunts stared at it for a moment and then shook their heads and pulled me along. 

We walked through a series of long hallways with deep rooms inside. "Wait here until Ghetsis is ready for you." They pulled off my gag and handcuffs and threw me into a room, slamming the door shut as soon as I was in. The room was filled with toys for a child. There was a train that still went around the tracks and a basketball hoop that didn't even look dusty. I climbed to the top of the slide to see if there was a spot in the ceiling where the tiles were weak. 

I felt a soft spot, where water must have leaked in once. I looked around the room and found a metal toy car. I was just about to slam it into the ceiling when I heard shouting from outside the door. "Let me in." A voice shouted. 

"I'm afraid I have orders. I can't let you inside there." One of the grunts responded. 

"Excuse me? You have orders? This is my house, I am the one with the highest order." I suddenly recognized the voice as N's. The door open and N's stepped in, and the door quickly closed behind him. 

"Fancy seeing you here." I said as I put the car down and climbed down from the slide. 

N nodded and looked around the room. He stared at his shoes for a quick second and then back to my eyes. "Come on, we have to go now." 

"Why should I go with you?" I asked, taking a step away from him. "You've been lying to me since I met you. This is a castle... you're a king." 

He shook his head. "My father will be furious. We have to leave now." 

"Your father, so does that make you a prince then? I should call you Prince N, then." 

N advanced towards me and I took a few steps back farther, until I was against the wall. "Meadow, please," he said softly. 

I looked towards the toy car and then to the spot of ceiling. I knew that this wasn't going to be the way I would get out of here. I wasn't going to be able to escape that way. "Fine." I took his delicate hand and he guided me out of the room. 

"What are you doing N? I'm going to tell Ghetsis, I'm going to tell your father!" One of them shouted after us as we sped through the hallways. 

"So what is this place? How come you never told me that you're a prince?" I said through my breaths as we made our way through the castle. 

"'I'll explain later, I promise."

We were in the foyer, nearing the exit when I loud voice rang from behind us. "Leaving so soon, my son?" 

N stopped with a halt and we looked back. There was a man with a large black robe on. He clutched a staff which bared the same symbol as the one on all those grunt's uniforms. He walked towards us and I held onto N's hand tighter. 

"So...is this the girl you ran away with?" He kept his red eyes on me. 

"We need to leave now father." N said, his voice shakey. 

"Father?" Ghetsis questioned. "Do you think I still consider you my son? You do not deserve to share the Harmonia name with me you good-for-nothing brat!" He raised his hand as if was about to hit him and I could hear N's breath pick up. Ghetsis' hand lowered. 

"That's better, what happened to that fear for the last few months?" I stepped in front of N.

"Just let us go, neither of us did anything." I said sternly. His red eyes seemed to grow even more fiery. 

"You do not have the right to say that!" He shouted and smacked me across the face, sending me to the floor. N crouched down next to me. We both stared at him. "You stole my son from me. He had so much promise before he met you! Now, he can't even stick to his job for a few months without needing to see you. You destroyed my son!" 

N pulled me up and held my hand tightly. "Let's go Meadow, there's nothing he can do to us." N walked with me towards the large door. 

"Don't bother coming home N! I raised you since you were a child, you are nothing without me." Ghetsis shouted as we neared the door. 

N looked over his shoulder, "Then I'm nothing." We left the castle and climbed into one of the cars the grunts had and drove off the mountain back to the cottage. 

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