Finally Free Chapter 3

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Title: Re: ~Finally Free~

Post by: Bsatl on September 20, 2007, 12:05:01 AM



Giselle woke up to find Corey in the bed knocked out. She looked at the clock: 1:45pm. She saw how he was spread across the bed just like Israel lays. Thank God that the bed was big enough for him to do that because in Giselle's bed she would have been on the floor. She got up and walked towards Israel's room but he wasn't in bed. She was about to panic when she thought of him being at the pool. She ran down the hall almost falling down the steps. When she heard some rattling noise in the kitchen, she ran faster to see Israel in a huge mess on the kitchen floor. He had bread smashed and broken all over the floor wit juice all over his shirt. He had jelly all over his mouth and in his hair. "Is, baby what are you doing," she said bending down to pick him up. "Yo daddy is gone spank u boy," she said popping him makin him cry. "Why did u make this mess?" He slapped her back and she put him down to punch him. When she did he picked up a piece of bread and threw while continuing to spaz out on the floor. "STOP!"

"Shit!" he said kicking his legs and screaming.

She walked away from him and he ran after her crying and holding onto her leg. "Stop Israel King!" As she walked back to her bedroom he continued to scratch her legs and hold onto her until she picked him up when they entered the bedroom. Corey was still sleep after all that screaming his son had been doing. Giselle looked at him and couldn't believe it. But when Corey's cell phone vibrated he woke up staring at it on the night stand. "How can u hear that but u can't hear yo son screaming?"

"Cause money is too loud to ignore. Hello? Who the hell is this calling me so early?" Giselle looked at him and scrunched up her face. She knew he was lying to her about leaving the game. She stared at him while he talked with his eyes closed on the phone. "Nah, nah, not today......why?....Cause I'm gone be wit my son and my girl man......get the fuck outta here. What?......well let me know later then....until then man holla at the kid......yeah," he said hanging up and turning on his stomach to fall back asleep.

Giselle stared at him wondering if he was really gonna go back to sleep. Before Israel could play with somethin under the sink she snatched him up and threw him on the bed wit Corey. "WTF!"

"Thought u just said u spending the day wit your son and girl. U don't hafta spend none wit me but u finna take care of him. He getting on my nerves."

"He ain't even doin shit."

"Go look at the kitchen and then tell me what he been doin." Corey looked at Israel smiling at him so innocently. He layed down on his chest and Corey caressed his back.

"See he's daddy's lil man. He wouldn't do nothin crazy."

"Aight well I'm hungry so what we gone do?"

"Let's freshen up and shit. I got u some clothes yesterday-well last night and him a little somethin that would hold til today so get ready."

Giselle walked into the closet to find some things she had never seen before but the shit was fly. She touched the clothes as if they weren't real. She picked out a few but really wanted to wear them all. She stared at herself in the mirror and held the clothes up to her. She decided to dress in these Rocawear jeans and a silk backless pink shirt wit some Pink and silver Lou Viton shoes. While she took a shower she thought about how she wished Corey had've fucked her last night. She was so wet and so horny from missing him. His dick game was on point-that's why they had Israel. Even when she was pregnant-when he did come home- he broke that shit off good. While she closed her eyes thinkin about how good Corey's dick hit every wall inside her she let her head run under the water and her hands roam between her legs. She tickled her lips wit her fingers imagining that they were Corey's. "Mmph," she said before she could catch herself. She was about to dig her hand inside her until she heard Corey knocking on the glass of the shower.

Finally Free by Bsatl (Short Story - Finished)Where stories live. Discover now