Chapter Thirty - The Return

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I collapsed on the floor of the training ground, sweat and dirt covering my body as I tried to catch my breath. I think Evelyn was actually trying to kill me this time with her tasks for me. It had been a few days since Damien's revelations to me and since then I was finally feeling like myself again.

I had ditched the tea like he had requested, despite the constant demands from the maids. And for some reason I wasn't feeling such a dark fog overtaking my body all the time.

I had been training non-stop, thanks to Evelyn walking me up at the crack of dawn every day, getting my body back to where it had been before, if not better. I had also been throwing myself into research, trying to figure out if what Damien said to be was true, if I could trust a single word that came out of his mouth.

I distanced myself from everyone, not wanting to see or talk to them, not wanting to have to explain or have them look at me in concern at how fast I had rapidly recovered from a depression period. Constantly asking me if I was sure I was okay or what I was thinking. I didn't want to think, especially not about him.

He had left me, after all the crap he said and everything that had happened in these past few weeks, he left me behind, and I had nothing to say to him or even the time to waste thinking about him.

He made his choice.

So I threw myself into getting into the best shape of my life, training as if my life depended on it, and trying to figure out what it was that my mother feared so much, as well as learn everything I could about the kingdom.

I had found nothing on me so far apart from a few cryptic prophecies, all which were in some ancient language I was spending all my time trying to decrypt but yielding no results.

As I leant over and desperately gulped down some water I saw the door open and Bethany walk out, her dress and hair flowing behind her. She had taken to this new life perfectly, not that I was surprised, she was loved by all within the castle and especially by Hyde, they were completely obsessed with each other.

Another thing I wanted to avoid; it made my stomach turn with jealousy and I couldn't bear to be around them. I sighed as I stood up grabbing my towel and wrapping it around my neck, she clearly wasn't here to train, so I knew she was here to pester me, yet again.

As she walked up to me I saw her gulp and wring her hands together and I tilted my head confused as I stared at her, wondering what she could be so nervous about until I felt it in my stomach, he was back.

She lifted her head as she watched my body freeze and she looked me in the eyes, "he's back Lillian, and he wants to see you" she said as I laughed sipping my water, "well we all want things Bethany" I said coldly "What I want is for you to begin your training again, your becoming weak and lazy, can't remember the last time you picked up a weapon" I remarked as I walked past her and up to my room,

I felt bad talking to her like that but it was true, she had been letting herself go. I also knew she understood I didn't mean it to be horrible, I just didn't want to see him, not after everything that happened when he was away. As I walked up the stairs I saw Evelyn descending and I inwardly sighed,

She looked down at me as a faint smile appeared on her lips, "You look well" she said as I nodded wiping my head, "yeah I feel it too, probably the best I've ever felt, we should get back to training together soon, I feel strong enough to get back to it" I said calmly as she moved her head ever so slightly smiling.

Evelyn was the only one I could stand recently. She didn't bother me about my problems, and she continued to treat me the same as she ever had. But I appreciated it more than anything, I began to enjoy her little comments and her constant digs about me acting like a brat.

She had become a good friend in the past few days, and I knew I could trust her in bringing me back down to earth. Her tough love had been a great help.

My eyes locked on hers catching the movement of eyes to look behind me as she quickly looked down and continued past me, I knew he was behind me, but I didn't react, I didn't even look back as I continued up the stairs past her. As I reached the top I heard the door close and knew Evelyn had left the castle. Smart move. I straightened my back as I walked around the balcony towards my room, knowing he was walking behind me,

As I reached my room and placed my hand on the door he called out, "Lillian" he said quietly as my body stilled and I inwardly sighed, cursing my body for its reaction to his voice.

I let out a breath as I slowly turned to him, my face showing no emotion, but as I turned my heart practically leapt out my chest at seeing him again, I looked him up and down surveying him as I tried to find something to say.

Finally I opened my mouth, "You look like crap" I found myself saying as I lifted my eyesight to his, it was true he did look like crap but probably not what I should have started with.

He let out a low chuckle that sent shivers down my spine as he took a step forward, "Why thank you, always a welcome back I appreciate" he said as his eyes roamed my body, focusing on my small shorts and sports bra, which I quickly began to realise wasn't really covering me.

I cleared my throat as I looked at him waiting, for something, for anything. He looked back up at my eyes as I crossed my arms across my chest and glared up at him, him tilting his head as the silence grew between us.

I rolled my eyes shaking my head as I placed a hand on the door, "Fucking ridiculous, you know that" I said as he continued to stare at me, "that's all you have to say for yourself, that's fucking it" I said trying to keep calm, he opened his mouth to speak as I held up my hand,

"Forget about it, you know what, forget it all, I don't have the time for it. I have more important things than an arrogant, dominant alpha male who can't seem to decide whether he wants to be in my life or leave me behind. And you know what, if that's what this is between us, I don't want to be a part of it" I said final as I opened the door to my room and slammed it behind me locking it,

"Lillian open this door" I heard him growl from the other side as I laughed out loud, "Seriously piss off Brand I don't have the time for it" I said as I walked away from the door towards the bathroom, barely taking two steps before the door was ripped off its hinges and a very pissed off looking Brand was staring at me.

I turned around horror and shock on my face as I pointed at the door, "What the actual fuck is wrong with you? Are you fucking insane?!" I said as he placed the door against the wall and stalked towards me.

"No stop" I said holding out my hand as he froze tilting his head and looking at me, "Stop it right now, what the fuck did you expect from me? That I'd be waiting like a little lost puppy when you came back, kneeling at your feet begging you would come here and could have me like it was before? If you thought that then your fucking insane and you don't know me at all. You. Left. Me. So remember that Brand before going fucking cave man and ripping my damn door off it's hinges" I shouted as he clenched his teeth breathing deeply in and out.

"I'm sorry Lillian" he said, finally looking at me as I let out a low laugh, seriously?! "yeah well it's a bit late for that Brand, just give me some space please, I'm not ready to talk to you yet, when I am, I'll let you know" I said quietly as his eyes flashed to black,

"Lillian, do not do this to me. Especially not now." he said turning as my face fell to shock at what he was saying to me, "I did this for you Lillian, it's all for you, I didn't do any of this to punish you" he said as I scoffed,

"Gods above Brand, if Damien wanted me by now, dead or alive, I'm pretty sure he would have me, or at least gotten close, he's just messing with you, but you can't seem to listen to anyone but yourself" I said regretting the words as soon as they came out my mouth.

"What do you mean he would have you, have you been talking to him?" he said his eyes flashing deadly as I gulped taking a step back, but before I could open my mouth Evelyn rushed in fear on her face,

"Brand you're going to want to take a look at what just appeared at the castle walls, this quarrel can wait" she said frantic as Branch clenched his jaw,

"I'm sure whatever is going on can wait, I'm trying to talk to my mate about something very important" he said as I folded my arms laughing humorlessly, Evelyn looked at me as I frowned, realising she was being deadly serious. " No Brand, you need to come and see this now." She demanded as I pushed past him,

Our fight would just have to wait.


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