Chapter Forty-Five - loss

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I braced myself as the different sides glared at each other as everyone tensed, silence echoing through the field as they prepared to battle. I took a deep breath, my fingers twitching at my sides as nobody dared to move. Before I could blink, Magda grabbed the witch in front of her by her neck again as my skull felt as if it was going to split into two and I fell to the ground again, writhing in pain.

Brand caught me as I fell and immediately handed me to Damien, who took me with open arms. Brand charged towards Magda as the two groups closed the space, leaving me writhing in pain in Damien's arms, whose face was pained watching me scream and cry. He rushed me to the side as tears rolled down my face and I felt blood pour out of my nose, but he didn't seem to react this time as he concentrated on getting me away from the fight.

He held me close to his chest as he ran back inside, leaping over the wall to Sirene, the warmth from his body still causing my body to react even whilst I wept in pain. "Help her please, I can't watch her like this, you have to stop this" he said quietly to Sirene as I continued to scream, feeling as if my brain was about to explode, a hot fire burning my entire body whilst I felt invisible eknives piercing every cell in my body.

Sirene nodded as she placed her hands on the side of my head, purple filling my vision as she chanted in a language I did not understand. I felt a cool powerful rush of power go through me as the pain slowly stopped and I heard a loud cry of anger from behind the wall. I sat up and quickly leant over as I threw up repeatedly the pain gradually subsided.

I turned to her, sweat covering my body as my hair stuck to my face and I spat onto the floor wiping my mouth, I was getting fucking fed up of throwing up every two seconds. I wiped my face as I coughed and Damien watched me concerned as he grabbed my arms, setting me upright, he searched me over checking I was okay as I pushed him back, the feel of his hands on my body sending inappropriate thoughts straight into my mind and my stomach curled.

"I'm okay Damien. I'm fine, you don't need to check me." I said defensively as he narrowed his eyes at my reaction, i turned away from him as i growled, "Thank you Sirene" I began to say as I watched her sway before collapsing onto the floor, her stick clattering onto the ground, "SIRENE" I yelled as I rushed over to her,

"Lillian, I have barely any power left in me, it took almost all I had to help you, I do not have much time left, you must hurry. Go do what you do best, kill them." she whispered as I growled turning to the gate,

"Damien, fetch her some water" I said as he disappeared and reappeared within seconds with a glass, I called over some witches to put her in a safe space as I turned to Damien,

"That's it, I've had just about enough of this" I said as he grinned at me, "Now that's the Lillian I know" he replied as I smiled and went to walk forwards, but before i could go anywhere he grabbed my wrist, tingles erupting through my entire body.

"Refrain from pulling shit like that again please" he said pointing to where I was just screaming in agony, I smiled up at him as he looked down at me, his eyes burning into mine as I quickly looked away, "Be careful Damien or I might start to think Magda was right" I joked as he looked at me his eyes wide before he quickly turned away from me and I stood still, shocked at the sight of fear on his face. I ran after him towards the gate as I pulled out my daggers,

Damien rushed in front of me, disappearing into the chaos as I ran through slicing my blades, I caught sight of Brand pinning Magda to the ground as a werewolf ran up on me. I quickly rolled to the side flipping onto my feet as their claws slashed out at me, I swiped my blade through the air slicing its belly as it howled in pain, my second dagger entering its heart.

I jerked them back out as blood spilled over my suit and I surveyed around, it was a horror scene. Witches were slaughtering vampires and werewolves and vice versa. Bodies littered the ground and I could sense Death all around.

I stuck my daggers into the floor as I pulled my bow off my shoulders and stuck my wooden arrows into the floor, I quickly aimed the first arrow at a vampire on top of a young witch as I let it fly without hesitation into its heart as he disintegrated into dust,

I whirled around onto my knees as I let arrow after arrow fly, hitting as many vampires as I could until I was out of arrows. As I threw my bow to the side and stood up to pull my daggers out of the floor I felt a force come up behind me and grab me, throwing me onto the floor as the air was knocked out of my lungs,

As I tumbled over I rolled backwards onto my feet as I flicked my hair up to see Dagger glaring at me, his eyes turning a glowing amber, my lungs groaning at the impact.

"You are becoming a problem Lillian, and I don't have the time for it, now just stand down and let them take the prophecy, its for your own good." he said as I scoffed, "nice try furball" I spat as I stood up running towards him as he growled, his canines flashing as he tensed.

I slid at the last-minute right between his legs and held my hand out grabbing onto one of my blades on the floor behind him as I span around on my hip onto my knees, breathing deeply and looking up,

I yanked it out of the ground as I rolled over to the other one and picked it up, twirling them in my hands, "Does the big bad wolf want to play? You stan down and leave, i'm not handing over shit" I growled as he snarled,

"I don't want to hurt you Lillian, but I will if that's what it takes for you to stay out of this" he growled as his claws elongated and he charged for me. I held both my daggers up in a cross formation as I blocked his hit and I pushed him back as I twirled my blades, he swung his claws at me as I blocked repeat after repeat.

He swung again I turned and rolled around him our sides touching as I slid my dagger across his back, earning a yelp from him as blood seeped from the wound, however it healing as quickly as I made it,

"Silver daggers, good choice, but not good enough for an alpha Lillian, you're not going to get very far with those flimsy things" he said as I smirked and ran at him sliding them back into their sheaths. I jumped up swinging myself around him, wrapping my legs around his neck as I punched him in the face, whipping his head to the side as I pulled a blade out, lifting it into the air to plunge it down.

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