1 - To The City Of Crime

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"I... won?"

Wayne Foundation Tour Programme.

A competition I entered just for the fun of it. An essay submission competition on Gotham, its founders, and your opinion on the city. Safe to say, it was too easy. I entered the competition to improve my English skills.

Who knew I would win?

"Mari, you won!" squealed Tikki, excitedly flying around. I sat staring at the email on my computer screen. I couldn't believe it. "Mari?" asks Tikki, celebration pausing. "Holy shit... I WON?" I screeched, falling off my chair.

"You're going to Gotham!" Tikki shouted. "Yes!" I shouted back.

"What did you write to impress Bruce Wayne, Marinette?" asked Tikki, sitting on my head as I got back on the chair. Hmm... What did I write?

Gotham was my inspiration. When I first became Ladybug, I would stay up for nights watching Batman and his crew. I started learning their tricks, and soon I had made my own style of fighting.

So, I wrote. I wrote about the vigilantes, the buildings, the people, the villains and, most importantly, the thrill of being in Gotham, the city of crime. Honestly, I don't remember much of what I wrote. And I can't exactly find out, as I didn't even make a draft, fluking the paper all the way.

"Don't know, just bullshitted it." I say, shrugging. Tikki deadpans at me, chucking the phone at my face in return. "Hey!" I shouted, as she giggled and flew away. The phone pinged with a notification. I opened my messenger, sending a reply.

Unknown: Hello, is this Marinette Dupain-Cheng?

Me: Who dis?

Unknown: Bruce. Bruce Wayne from Gotham.

I'm screwed. As I sigh at my own impertinence, Tikki cackles in amusement. "Oh, shut up." I groan, trying to come up with a decently polite reply.

Me: Ahh, Mr. Wayne. May I ask what this is about?

Bruce Wayne: This is about the competition.

Me: Oh. Is there any problem?

Bruce Wayne: Not at all Ms. Dupain-Cheng. I simply wanted to congratulate you. Your essay was quite remarkable.

Me: Thank you, Mr. Wayne. I will make sure to use this opportunity properly.

Bruce Wayne: I wanted to inform you that you will be leaving tomorrow. Plane tickets need to be booked, so please forward the information about your class strength and the seats you would prefer at the earliest.

Me: Class...?

Bruce Wayne: Ms. Dupain-Cheng, this is a class trip, as mentioned in the competition details. Have you not read the instructions properly?

Now, I feel stupid. How did I not notice that this was a class trip? If it was a class trip, was Lila going to come along? How would I go without Luka and Kagami?

Me: Of course not, Mr. Wayne. I had simply forgotten the detail in the joy of winning. As we are on this subject, is it possible for me to bring a few friends along?

Bruce Wayne: As long as the number does not exceed 5, please do so.

Me: Ok, thank you. I will email you the details by the hour.

Bruce Wayne: I will be waiting for your reply.

This was a bigger mess than I expected. But the good thing is I can finally get out of this cursed city. Maybe I can move to Gotham while I'm at it. After all, I can't stand Lila and her petty lies anymore.

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