50 - Consequences (2): A Failed Game

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[ - 30 MINUTES AGO - ]

"Damn you, Grayson."

Damian cursed out his dear brother, who was busy laughing his heart out. "It's not my fault you played by the rules." Dick spoke, leaning onto Jason, who was also laughing. Jason grinned at Damian. "Poor you, Demon." he mocked.

Dick, Jason and Damian had decided to play a game of rock, paper and scissors to decide who was to help Lila get changed. Yes, it should be better to just send one of the girls, but some pinkie demanded that one of them go for 'protection.'

Damian was sure he would win.

By analyzing all the games he had played with Jon and Bart, winning every single time, he was sure he could win this too. That is, if Dick and Jason had played by the rules. Damian knew that he had to play rock, because most people play scissors on their first turn.

Damian played the rock.

Jason played the gun.

Dick played the 'Batman'.

The brunette was confused by the outcome of the game, to which Jason and Dick had a good time explaining. "What? Gun beats rock." Jason argued, to which Damian retaliated with "THERE IS NO GUN IN 'ROCK PAPER SCISSORS.'" Jason just shrugged.

"Rules are meant to be broken." Jason said grinning. Now, the two brothers would have argued for a good one hour, if Dick hadn't intervened. "Now, now. Why do you think any of you won?" Dick asked, making Jason and Damian stare at him.

"Batman beats everything."

Dick grinned as he spoke, making the bat symbol with his hand and flapping the wings around. "Point." Jason admitted. "Bruce does beat everything." Damian scoffed at his brothers.

"Now, go help sausage-hair." Jason spoke, one arm over Dick's shoulder and the other shooing the brunette away. Damian rolled his eyes. He should have expected this from his brothers, he thought.

Mumbling about how unfair it was, he walked toward his girlfriend, stealing a kiss from her before walking away, content with how her face turned red. He smiled at the floor, walking toward the wet girl, now covered with a blanket.

He glanced at the plastic bag in his hand, containing clothes a passerby had bought as per Dick's request, his smile turning into a scowl. He walked toward Lila, stopping about 3 inches from her.

"Here." he mumbled, handing the bag to the girl, who looked up and blushed after seeing who it was. "Oh my god. Damian brought Lila clothes!" an annoying voice squealed in the side, which the brunette swiftly ignored.

Whispers spread in the class, which Damian rolled his eyes at. "Get up." Damian ordered. "The changing rooms are that way." he speaks again, shoving his hands in his pocket and tilting his head towards the rooms.

"U-um, y-yeah." Lila muttered, standing up. Damian ignored her, starting to walk toward the rooms with the girl following behind. He noticed that Lila was shivering a little from the cold, making him feel a little sorry for the girl.

Nevertheless, he did nothing to help.

She was Marinette's worst enemy, after all.

Suddenly, Lila tripped, falling right onto Damian, who reflexively reached out to catch her. "O-oh. Sorry, I think my legs are still a little weak." she spoke, voice trembling. Damian sighed, nodding at her apology.

The pity was long gone.

Damian turned back to look toward Marinette, seeing that she was laughing happily with her friends. Making sure she wouldn't be looking here anytime soon, he continued on his way. Lila wouldn't let his arm go.

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