5 - That One Comfy Bed

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"I did not think you would care."

I was baffled. Speechless. I really didn't know how to respond to that. So I didn't. He was right. Why did I care anyway? I could have gone back and asked Jason or someone to show me around.

Maybe I really have something for green-eyed guys.

I ran up to him, and continued walking with him quietly. The silence continued, as if the happenings of the last few minutes had not taken place. Like we were strangers who had never met. Well, that was the truth after all.

I bit my lips, trying not to think about what just happened. Was it my fault? I don't know, maybe I shouldn't have teased someone I barely know. It was my habit back in Paris, where most of the people knew each other. It wouldn't be the same in Gotham.

Gotham is way bigger than Paris anyway.

"Stop that." said the brunette, startling me. "Stop what?" I ask confused, feeling the blood rush back to my lips. I look at him in confusion, as he glares at me, turning away after. Is there something wrong with him?

"You- Never mind." he turned back, ignoring me.

"Where are we going?" I asked him, as he continued walking. "None of your business." he replied, not even bothering to look my way. I scoff. I mean, give me some of your attention you idiot, I spent so much of my energy trying to follow you.

"Well, it is my business since I'm coming with you." I replied, trying to get a reaction out of him. "Did I ask you to come with me?" he asked rudely, not even waiting for my answer, as he stopped in front of a door. I roll my eyes, crashing into his back by mistake.

Damian didn't bother to look back, as if he was used to this. He pushed the door open slowly, as I peeped over his shoulder, revealing a room completely covered in hues of black and green. I couldn't help but wonder which kind of green matched his eyes.

The room was simple, yet weirdly ornate. The wall contained designs of snakes and knives, with a few actual katanas, making the room seem serpentine. Black covered areas which were not green, and even the sky seemed to fit into his theme, covered with black clouds.

A desk was present at one end of the room, with three monitors on it. In the middle of the room stood a king-sized bed, complete with drapes. To the end of the room, there was a balcony, which showed the completely storm-covered sky of Gotham.

A huge flat screen TV was also present, along with a few controllers which I assume were for video games. There was a dark green colored sofa right in front of the TV. Although I thought Nino looked the best in green, I must admit, green was Damian's color.

Seems like this rude idiot really likes the color green.

He practically ignored my existence, walking to his over luxurious desk, and opening a few books. Calculus books. He grabbed a pencil and started scribbling some shit on it. Only the sound of soft scratching of pencil on paper was heard for a few seconds, while I stood in the door way.

I shut the door behind me, confused as hell. "You're not giving me the tour?" I ask, eyebrows furrowed. The brunette suddenly dropped his pencil, sharply turning towards me. He looked at me as if I was stupid.

"In case you are blind Dupain-Cheng, if it is not clear already, I have better things to do than showing you around. So why don't you be a good girl and mind your own damn business?" he stated, more like a command than a request.

"What the hell am I supposed to do then?" I ask. "I do not know, play some games or take pictures. Whatever it is that you do. Just do not disturb me." he said, grabbing his fallen pencil and turning his swiveling chair around.

"Fine! I'll do whatever. It's not like I want to talk to you." I say, jumping on the bed. "Okay." he replied, going back to ignoring my existence. I huff, pulling out my phone and clicking on ShowTube to pass my time.

Minutes later, I look up from my phone. "...Were you serious?" I ask, looking at him in shock. "Yes." he replied, not turning back. "Seriously? Who does homework so early in the morning?" I ask, groaning.

"Me." he replied. I scoff in response. "I'm your guest." I state, still staring at the back of his head. "And?" he asks back, as if he didn't understand what I was trying to tell him. "You're supposed to entertain me?" I state- no rather, I ask.

"Why should I? I am not an entertainer."

"Ugh." I groan at his reply, laying back onto his soft, comfy bed. Damian gets irritated at this, turning back. "What do you want? Company? Conversation?" he asks, getting my attention.


I curl into a ball, staring Damian right in his eyes. He stares back, contemplating. "What am I even supposed to talk to you about?" he mutters silently, although it was quite clearly heard in the silent room.

"Uh, how did you meet Jason?" he asks, hesitatingly. I stiffen. Oh god, he gets straight to the point. "Let's just say it's a long story." I say, laughing nervously. The brunette just stares at me.

"What do you want to talk about?" he asks. "Um... What's your favorite dessert?" I ask, smiling awkwardly. Damian gives me a look which spelt 'Seriously?' before answering the question. "Chocolate cheesecake." he answers.

The room turns silent. "Yours?" he asks back, raising his eyebrows. "Butterscotch Ice-cream?" I question myself, knowing I've never thought about this. The silence which faded away comes back to envelope the room.

This was too awkward.

"You should do your homework." I say, giving up. "Right." comes Damian's reply, faster than I would like, as he turns back, picking up his pencil.

I lay back on the bed, pulling and snuggling into his warm duvet as his scent lingers around. I close my eyes, losing consciousness.

The soft scratching of the pencil on paper slowly lulled me to sleep.


Hours passed, and I soon woke up.

The bright sunlight had been replaced with the calming glow of the moon, illuminating the figure sitting at the end of the room. I get up, smoothing my hair, as my drowsiness slowly fades away. I groan, sadly pushing off the duvet, which was awfully soft.

Damian had switched over to the sofa from his desk, maniacally coding away in some software. I would have guessed he was studying computer, if I hadn't recognized the familiar codes I use while hacking.

He must have been collecting information.

"Dami, are you done yet?" I asked the guy, who yet again faced his back to me. "No." he says, not looking up. The sound of his fingers slamming onto the keyboard filled the room once again, before I decided I was done.

"Come on Dami! I'm bored as hell." I state. "Shut up! I am trying to do something useful here." he groans back. "Ugh, that's not my problem, it's yours!" I say, slightly raising my voice.

"Actually, it is YOURS! AND IF YOU ARE DONE TRYING TO BOTHER ME, GO-" Damian started shouting, but never got to the end of it. The sound of the door opening interrupted him, resulting in him ceasing his words.

"Master Damian, Miss Marinette, dinner is ready." says Alfred. "Just a second Pennyworth." says Damian, hurriedly trying to close all the tabs he had opened. "Finally! I was dying of boredom here!" I say, jumping off the bed.

"Alfred, can you show me the way to the dining room? Damian is no fun." I say teasingly, looking at him from the corner of my eye as I walk towards the door. "Dupain-Cheng..." Damian started with a warning tone, the glare returning to his eye.

"Sure, Miss Marinette." Alfred replies, cutting Damian off before he could even speak, leaving the boy dumbfounded. I walked out of the room behind Alfred, shutting the door behind me, just in case he starts cursing me out again.

All I knew till now, was that Damian's bed was a hell lot comfy, and I would give anything to lay on it again.


[Q.] Describe Damian in one word.

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