3 - The Broken Blue-Eyed Girl

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"Can I drive?"

"No." said Jason. "Come on! I'll be careful." I reply. "No!" he says. "Why not? I'm not 5 anymore Jason." I say, jokingly. "You are to me." he said, completely ignoring the fact that it's been years and he doesn't know me. He needs to learn a lesson.

"I'm driving." I say, showing him the pretty-looking car keys. I would sell my soul to the devil just to see his shocked face again. His pretty face turned pale, with his eyes almost falling out of his sockets.

It must have been a while since someone outwitted him.

"What- how?" he says, surprise clearly shown on his face. I scoff, repeating what I had said before. "I'm not 5 anymore, Jason.". I open the car and sit down, only to find Jason sitting in the passenger seat.

We sit in silence for a minute. "You gonna tell me the address?" I ask him, putting in the key. No reply. "Jason, come on." I whine. "It's in the GPS." he replied. I start the car and drive out of the parking lot very fast. The car starts drifting. "How fast can you go?" asks Jason, staring out the window. "You'll see." I said, smirking.

Through the reflection on the glass, I could see the small smile Jason had on his face.


Jason and I barely made any conversation in the car.

The radio played 'Fake Love' by BTS, as Jason bopped his head to the beat. "Do you even understand what they're saying?" he asks, still not facing me. "No, but it sounds cool." I reply, turning to look at him.

Jason's eyes in the reflecting lock with mine, as he then turns toward me. "How are you?" he asks, eyes slowly filling with concern. "Fine. At least, as much as I can be." I reply, refusing to meet his eyes. The car filled with uncomfortable silence again.

'I'm so sick of this fake love...' sang the chorus of the song, increasing the tension in the car. "Jase..." I whisper, bringing his attention back to me. "What happened that day? Will you tell me?" I plead.


Jason's voice was firm as he replied. "I just got you back. I won't lose you again Pixie. Just not today." he replied. "You'll have to tell me one day." I reply, as he nods his head in affirmation. "When the time is right." he replied.

"So, is this how fast you can go?" he asked, his mouth curving into a smile. Ah, I missed this. The pointless bickering. "Of course not, I'm just holding back." I reply, glaring at him. "Why? Just step on it." he replies, as I grin at him in joy. The radio changes to 'Fire', a perfectly suiting song for this moment.

"Just remember Jase, you asked for this."



"Master Bruce, there is a car speeding towards the Manor." says Alfred. "It would be Jason again. Open the gates Alfred." I tell him, not surprised at Jason at all. It wasn't the first time he had done this. Why was Alfred even asking him this?

"Master Bruce, when I said speeding, I mean it is going well over 300 km/h. But very well." he says and walks away. I rushed to the front of the Manor. 300 km/h? Even the Batmobile couldn't go more than 250 km/h on that road.

Selena and the kids decided to follow me because... I don't know why. They just came. Soon, the whole family was gathered in front of the Manor. Except Damian, who walked in last like it was none of his business. Which it wasn't.

The gates swung open and I was able to see a blue car speeding very fast. It was Jason's. How? That guy is the laziest human in the whole universe. He would never try something like this and besides, he prefers a bike after what happened with the Batmobile. It's why Tim always drives.

The car zoomed in the gates and swiftly stopped in front of us. Dust filled the air as car came to a stop. Amidst all this chaos, the driver's side door swung open and a girl got out. Wait- A girl?

The girl had black hair which shone midnight blue and piercing light blue eyes. She seemed strong and mature, but only if you look into her eyes you'll know the truth. Her pain and suffering hidden behind a practiced smile. Just like everyone else in this family.


What did she go through that made her like this?

The other door opened and Jason came stumbling out. "That was awesome Pixie! Whenever we go out, you're driving." he said excitedly. His eyes held a twinkle inside, which I had not seen in a very long time. Who was this girl and how did she make Jason so happy?

Jason went and stood with her. Suddenly, like she just noticed us, she started smiling and tugging on Jason's sleeve, which resulted in him turning around. The boy rolled his eyes in annoyance, the excitement vanishing.

The girl came up to me to introduce herself. "Hello Mr. Wayne, I am Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I am Jason's childhood friend." she says, smiling. Dupain-Cheng? Is she the one who won the essay competition? Why was she here and not partaking in the tour?

"Hello Marinette, nice to meet you. Correct me if I'm wrong- you are the one who said Gotham was inspiring, yes?" I ask. "Yes, that was me." she says, somewhat confused. I really liked her essay. I've lived in Gotham all my life and yet... I wouldn't call it inspiring.

"Enough chit-chat. Let's go in." says Jason, annoyed. "Be nice Jason. They're family." she says, glaring at him. That shut him up. Did she not have a good family? Jason muttered a quiet sorry, and turned away. Was that really Jason? Or an imposter? Maybe I should get him checked. This wouldn't be the first time it happened.

"If you can shut him up so easily, you are welcome to visit anytime, dear." said Selena. "Thank you Ms. Kyle." she replies, beaming. She was really happy. No but, how did she know Selena's name? Oh well, I guess she found some article on the internet.

Selena and I's relationship wasn't much of a secret.

"Speaking of visiting. Bruce, I was wondering if Marinette could stay at the Manor for a few days." asks Jason, his eyes pleading. Jason never asks, he takes. This little girl must mean a lot to him. The girl looked at him with shocked eyes. He nudges her, as if to get her to say something.

"It would only be until I find a place to stay, Mr. Wayne. I am shifting to Gotham with my friends after all." she said. It didn't seem like she actually wanted to stay here, it was like she was doing this for Jason. What happened to the hotel rooms i booked?


[Q.] Name your favorite song right now.

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