48 - Language Lessons

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"H-how dare you?-"

Alix stuttered out in surprise, as Jason shoved past her in a hurry. Damian was trying so hard not to laugh, but Adrien and Luka on the other hand, started laughing out loud. Lila was fuming in anger.

"I'm sorry if that offended you."

Dick's sweet voice broke through the chaos as he followed behind Jason. Alix looks up into the face of the man, slightly blushing. "No- It's okay." she stutters. "No, I'm really sorry for my brother's actions. He didn't have to say that to your face." Dick says.

He walks toward me, the sweet smile never moving from his face. "Come, let's go." he whispers to us. It took everyone there a minute to realize what Dick's words meant. Adrien was one of the first, used to backhanded insults.

His laughter grew harder as Alix's face turned red with realization. "H-hey! What's that supposed to mean?" Alix shouts. Dick turns to look at her, but Jason replies first. "He means, even though everyone here has thought of it, I shouldn't have said it to your face." Jason says.

Lila gasps the loudest.

"How could you say that? Alix isn't short!" Lila protested. "You're right. Alix isn't short." Adrien agrees, to which Lila stood shocked. "We're all just too tall for her." he continued, making Damian, and Nino, who tried so hard to control their laughter, wheeze.

Alya and Chloe were long gone, exhausted from laughing, now clutching their stomachs in pain. Kagami stood with me, grinning in joy. "Now. Stop fighting, children." Ms. Bustier said.

"And you, Mr. Grayson, should not be encouraging such activities!" she spoke again, making me roll my eyes. No matter the reason Ms. Bustier had to act this way, it didn't beat the fact that she was an incompetent teacher.

'Grayson' rolled his eyes.

"Let's go in, guys!" he said, in the same sickly sweet tone he used to insult people and get away with it. And once again, everyone forgot the fact that he'd just insulted them and showered Dick with lovesick smiles.

Including Lila.

As everyone followed enthusiastically behind Dick, Damian lagged behind to walk with me. Lila turned back for a second, winking at Damian, to which the man gagged. I laughed out loud.

"Is she trying to pull all four of you?" I ask in amusement. "Maybe." Damian replied. I look at Lila, desperately hanging onto Jason's arm by pretending to have sprained her ankle. "She might actually succeed at this rate." I say, smiling.

"No way. She cannot even pull Alfred." Damian says, defending his brothers. "The butler or the cat?" I ask, grinning at the boy. "Neither." Damian says, smiling back at me. "Even Bat-cow wouldn't be swayed." he continues, making me burst into laughter.

Our laughter, or Damian's laughter, brings in a lot of attention from bystanders, confused as to why the 'Ice Prince' of Gotham was walking around in a garden, hands and bodies intertwined with a woman, LAUGHING.

Cameras were turned on, recording and capturing our actions, but the brunette only ignored all of this. "Do not mind them, love. Let the world find out about how much I am infatuated with you." he says.

I turn red.

Now now, who wouldn't?

Damian Wayne was such a romantic, I swear. How could such cheesy words leave his mouth without cringing even a little? I blushed, turning away from the man. "Why, Mari? Were you swayed?" Damian teased, making me giggle.

"H-how dare you?-"

I imitated Alix from before, making Damian join the laughter. "It is funny how the conversation was not even close to insults, and yet their reactions made it so amusing to watch." he spoke.

GOTHAM: BEYOND EVIL || DamienetteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora