Chapter 3

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"I will be here as princess's playmate, starting today. I'm looking forward to spending time with you." Lucas says, smiling brightly. "What the hell is he doing here?" I ask. "I recommended the young warlock to be the princess's playmate. You did say that you would prefer the warlock over Alpheus's son, right?" Felix explains. "Athy doesn't need a new friend. All I need is Felix and Y/n." Athy says. "I'm flattered, princess, but it would be best to get a friend your age. especially because lady Alpheus is leaving to Arlanta." Felix says. "What about dad?" she says going to complain to her father. "Your little raven is really cute today. He's practically bite sized. how adorable." Lucas says. This idiot is threatening her. I swear, if Felix wasn't here, I would've yeeted his ass out the window.

"Let me freeload for a bit. I've stayed here for a few days and I've gotten used to the convenience." Lucas says while opening a book titled 'The Memoir Of Aeternithas.'  "Mister, how old are you, really?" Athy asks. Just take me somewhere between yours and your friends ages. we're stuck growing up together anyways. "If you're going to be my friend at least introduce yourself first." Athy says. "You know my name, you know my age, what else do you need to know? Everything that could define me has already disappeared. Then how do you introduce yourself when you make friend?" Lucas asks leaving Athy to think over it. "Yo~ Aeternithas turned out to be the strongest magician emperor in history? That Idiot." He rants out of nowhere. "You act as if you've met him before." I say. He looks at me and smirks. "You should know about that, shouldn't you?" He says, his eyes glowing. My eyes widened. of course. How could I forget? He could tell Athanasia was reincarnated as soon as he looked into her eyes. He probably knew that I was reincarnated as well. wait. doesn't that mean I can tell him what happens. After he gets close to Athy, that is. He can prevent everything. "If I'd known I was going to end up with you, I would've gone and been friend with Mr. Whitey's son." Athy says all of a sudden. Excuse me? Am I a joke to you? "Then go befriend whiteys boy if you want to so badly." Lucas says and snaps his fingers causing Athy to vanish. I sigh. "what is wrong with you?" I ask with my head in my hands. "What, you jealous your twin will steal your precious princess away?" He asked. I looked up at him. "Again, what is wrong with you?" I ask. He ignored it. "Anyways, you're going to Arlanta soon right?" He asks. "yeah, to go to the academy over there." I say. "For what?" He asks. "None of your business." I say, glaring at him. "Oh, come on! I'm just curious." He says. I sigh. "To be a knight." I say. He chokes on air. "Come again?" He says. "I said, to be a knight." I say, spelling each word carefully as if talking to a child. "I get that. but you do realize that there are no female knights, right?" He asks. I shrug. "Guess I'll be the first." I say. "They wont treat you nicely there." He says. he's right. the prejudice against women is the worst here. Women are expected to be the perfect wife. like hell I'm going to do that. " I don't care. I'll prove them wrong anyways." I say. "Most girls your age looks forward to marriages and stuff. and here you are saying you want to be a knight." He says. "when a girl is born they're known as someone's daughter. when they get married, they're defined as someone's wife. I don't want to be know as someone's daughter or wife. I want to make a name for myself. I'm my own person. and the society can suck it if they're against it." I say, glaring. "Oh? You're more interesting than I thought. that's the most you've talked since we met." He says. I just looked away from him. then he suddenly snaps his fingers. Athanasia appears before us. "Have a nice trip? You must've had quite some fun seeing it took you this long to call me. Did you learn how to introduce yourself- Ugh!" Lucas was cut off when Athanasia punched him. I saw this in the manhwa, but It was funnier in person. I'm trying so hard to not laugh right now. "wow. you're the first person to ever hit me. But what was that for? I only sent you because you said you wanted to be friends with Mr. Whitey Jr." Lucas says. Athanasia glared at him with a red aura surrounding her. "Fine. My bad. don't be mad." Lucas says. Oh my god, this is so rich. Lucas being scolded by Athanasia. "Promise you won't do things like this in the future." Athanasia growled. "Fine." Lucas says. I couldn't hold it anymore. I burst out laughing. "BAHAHAHAHHA. OH MY GOD-THAT WAS-HAAHHAHA." after I finally stopped laughing, I looked up to se see Lucas and Athy staring at me with wide eyes. "What?" I ask, my smile fading. "You laughed." Lucas stated. "Yeah? so?" I ask.  they both just continue to look at me like I'm an alien. "What? I can laugh and have fun too you know." I say glaring. "Yeah you're always angry and glaring so I find that hard to believe- ugh!" I cut Lucas off by punching him in the face. yup, I took a page out of Athy's book. "Ow! What the hell? You sure do have some strong arms for a 10 yr old." He says. "Shut up." I say as I plop down next to Athanasia. "You do know I'm a super powerful sorcerer right? I can blow up the entire Obelian empire if I feel like it." He says. "s-so what?"Athy asked. "You wont." I say. He looked at me. "how do you know that." He asks "If you did, your mana would be entirely gone, something you don't want. Besides, you deserved both of those hits." I say. He just stared at us both for sometime before patting his head.

𝕷𝖆𝖉𝖞 𝕶𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 (𝚆𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚙 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now