Chapter 17

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"Are you sure about this?" You ask, Looking at Ijekiel.

"Yeah. You and princess have been fighting against him this whole time. It's my turn to help." Ijekiel says.

"I still don't like this..." You say.

"I'll be fine." He says, smiling.

Ijekiel offered to be the bait for Anastacius by letting Lucas insert mana into him. The spell would help him capture Anastacius.

But, for someone who has little to no mana like Ijekiel, It'll hurt. no, saying it'll hurt is an understatement, It'll feel as if you were burning in hell.

"What is that?" Lucas asked, looking at the ring in his finger.

"A toy like that wont be of any help to you. It'll only give you away." Lucas says.

"Are you stupid? That's the whole point." You say, understanding Ijekiel'd intentions.

"Seeing this, he'll underestimate me and lower his defenses." Ijekiel explains.

Lucas glared at Ijekiel. 

"That's Ijekiel for you..." Athanasia says.

"I was only able to hold on this much thanks to you, princess. I have to repay that somehow." Ijekiel says, smiling.

"Excuse me? What the hell am I then, A rock?" You say, slightly annoyed.

"No, That's not what I meant-" 

"Oh, please take all your lovey dovey conversations somewhere else please. I'll end up barfing." You say, cutting Ijekiel off.

You'd thought Ijekiel would get flustered. That's what always happens. 

"You're one to talk." He says looking at your left hand.

"Since when did you start talking back to me, You little rascal." You say, putting him in a headlock.

"Little? I'm taller than you." 

"Shut up."

"Can we go on with our plan now?" Lucas asked, slightly annoyed.

"Oops sorry."


"Not just anyone could've carried out this outrageous ambush and subdued the adversary without the use of violence you know? This was possible because it was me." Lucas boasts.

"Thanks. You did great." Athanasia says.

Under normal circumstances, you would've said some snarky remark for his boasting, but not right now. You could think about nothing but Ijekiel.

He looked as if he was in deep pain, but he insisted you go along with the princess instead of staying by his side. 

You were drowned in your worry, and Lucas noticed that. He lightly grabbed your shoulder to get your attention.

"He'll be fine." He says. You couldn't do anything but nod and focus on the present.

"I see that everyone has gathered. As busy as you all are, I thank you for answering such an abrupt summon. I've summoned you all here to respond for your demands for an inquiry into emperor Claude De Alger Obelia's use of black magic."

The nobles' eyes widened.

"Since my uncle gave voice to some unfavorable claims at our previous conference. I've gathered  you all here today so that you may personally verify the matter." 

They murmured amongst themselves, discussing how they could possible prove the emperor's innocence.

"I... I don't believe you! An unexpected summons such as this is just to obfuscate the allegations, is it not?!" A noble screams

𝕷𝖆𝖉𝖞 𝕶𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 (𝚆𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚙 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now