Chapter 10

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"Who are you?"

Lucas's breath hitched and his mouth ran dry. His heart was thumping rapidly in his chest. "What?" He asks. "I asked, Who the hell are you?" You say with an annoyed expression. "Is this some kind of joke?" Lucas asked. "Wha- Why would I-  Just tell me who you are and exactly where I am." You say, glaring at him. "I-" Lucas was cut off by Athanasia and Ijekiel entering the room. "Y/n? Oh my god, I'm so glad you're awake." Athanasia says as she runs to hug you. You immediately push her back. "Hold up. Who the f*ck are you?" You ask. Athanasia's smile fades. "What?" She asks. You look at Ijekiel. "What..? Ijekiel, when did you grow so big?" You ask. "huh?" Ijekiel asks. "Also, who are these people?" You say, looking at Athanasia and Lucas. "Wait... your eyes... you're the princess. Which means... Why am I in the palace?" You ask, turning to Ijekiel. "uhh... Lucas what's wrong with y/n? Why doesn't she remember us?" Athanasia asks turning to Lucas. "I think... Y/n has lost  years worth of her memory."


"So... You're saying I ran into a mana explosion to save the princess and ended up losing my memories?" You say. You, Ijekiel, Athanasia and Lucas were sitting in a circle with Ijekiel explaining your situation to you. Why Ijekiel and not Lucas? Because you wouldn't listen to a thing he or Athanasia said. Apparently you only remember your life until when you were 9 yrs old. You still had memories of your past life, but your memories of 'who made me a princess' was gone. So you were back to the 'hating everyone' phase. You sigh. "I believe you." You say. "Wait, what? just like that?" Athanasia says. You glare at her. "It's hard to not believe when I'm suddenly thrice as big as I was before." You say. Athanasia gulps. To be honest, you were intimidating. You were glaring at them with your white bangs shadowing your face and you golden eyes looked like it was glowing. 'Was this what Lucas had to go through? I applaud Lucas for not pissing his pants.' She thought, sending a look filled with pity his way. Lucas however, was fixed on you. On how to cure you of your amnesia to be exact. "Where's Jeanette?" You ask Ijekiel. "At home." He says. You sigh. "Can y'all leave? I need some to think." You say. Thay nod and begin leaving. Lucas gives you on last look before closing the door shut after leaving.


Lucas gazed at your sleeping face. An annoying brat. That was his first impression of you. You looked like you hated everything and everyone. So when he saw the other side of you which you only showed for Jeanette, Ijekiel and Athanasia, He was intrigued. Exactly what had made you this way? It wasn't like you were incapable of loving anyone. Your interactions with Jeanette and Ijekiel made that clear. But you were cold to everyone else. He enjoyed pissing you off. All the expressions you made were funny. You were just a method for him to pass time. When Athanasia said you collapsed, he justified his being scared for you as 'worried to lose his time-pass'. That's what he thought. You were just a tool to entertain him.....

So why does it hurt so much? 


A week had passed ever since you woke up from your coma. You were just sort of wandering through the palace since you had nothing else to do. You were relieved from your knight duties since you forgot everything you had learnt at the academy. Athanasia avoided you after trying to be close to you for a few days because you snapped and said some not-so-nice things to her. The maids knew to not strike a conversation with you because it pissed you off. You were EXTREMELY cranky. Well that's because everytime you look at Athanasia's and Lucas's face you felt something. Something that bordered on trust. Something you didn't want. You wanted to get your memories back and see why you were dumb enough to trust them.But you can't because everytime you try to remember, you just get a damn headache. Just seeing their faces pissed you off. And the other day, when you snapped at Athanasia her face changed. It was an expression you knew really well. It was a face formed by the feeling you used to have a lot in your past life. A feeling that you had learned to cover up by being cold to everyone. The face you make when you're hurt. Seeing that expression on her face twisted your heart with what you assumed was guilt. And that pissed you off. You couldn't understand why you would care enough for her. And that Lucas boy pissed you off even more. when he was around, your heart thumped annoyingly loud. You couldn't understand what the f*ck was wrong with your body. and you didn't want ask anyone either. You wanted to be closer to him, and you hated that. You hated him. and you made that clear the next time you saw him.

You ran into Lucas and he immediately tried to strike up a conversation. "Hey Y/n, I need to check if there's a way to cure your amnesia so can you-" "Can you shut the f*ck up?" You ask, glaring, cutting him off. Lucas's eyes widen. "What?" He asks. "You know, you and that princess has been getting on my nerves lately. actually it's only you now. She stopped bothering me after I told her off. You keep following me around and it's annoying. I'm gonna say this once, so listen carefully. I don't want you around me. Just seeing your face pisses me off. I don't know what was wrong with me if I befriended you like you said I did. There's no way I'd be all sweet to you if that's what you're hoping for. So just leave me alone." You say and walk away, Leaving Lucas in a state of shock.


You were looking around your room in search of something like a journal or something to help you remember. You were looking through you drawers on your dressing table when you saw a box. there was magic in it. that much was obvious. 'Huh, must've been important if it's this guarded.' You think before removing the spell. It kinda just came to you. You open the box to find a necklace. You picked it up. "It's pretty...." You say, admiring it. Then you decided yo put it on. As soon as you tied it around your neck, You felt pain. It was like lightning was coursing through your body. Then your head started hurting as your memories returned in flashes. Your headache subsided after a few minutes. and in the next few minutes, you were running through the palace, one word running through your mind again. 'shit.' How many days has it been? 'Shit, I messed up bad.' You thought as you ran into Athanasia's room only to find her missing. You immediately ran to the tower and burst in without knocking. Lucas looked surprised. "Y/n? Why are you-" "No time to explain. Tell me where Athanasia is, now!" You say panicking inside. "She's having tea with the emperor and Jeanette, why?" He answers. F*ck. You ran immediately to the garden to their usual spot where they drink tea. and the sight that greeted you was horrible. Jeanette was standing up, tears in her eyes. Claude was on the floor unconscious, Blood dripping from him mouth and onto the floor. Athanasia calling out for magicians and physicians to help Claude. 

'I failed to stop the worst thing from happening.' 

A/n: Thanks for reading. I love y'all💛🤍

𝕷𝖆𝖉𝖞 𝕶𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 (𝚆𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚙 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now