Chapter 14

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Athanasia looked at her friend's sleeping face. It had been 4 hours since you coughed blood and collapsed out of nowhere.

That's when you stirred in your sleep. Athanasia quickly leaned forward. "Y/n? Are you awake? How are you feeling?" She asks.

You groan and sit up, rubbing your eyes. You look around for a second before your eyes land on Athanasia. Your lips stretch into a smile.

"Hello, Athanasia." You say.

"Y/N How are you feeling?" She asked.

"My throat's a bit parched, but other than that, I'm fine." You say, giving a closed eye smile.

"Ah. Then, I'll go ask Lily to get some water." Athanasia says, getting up.

"Yeah. You go do that." You say, the smile never leaving you face. Athanasia opened the door and left.

As soon as She disappeared from your sight, your smile faded. You smirk and look at your hands, your pupil glowing red.

"Huh. I can't believe that actually worked."


"Y/n, are you sure you're okay?" Athanasia asked, accompanying you outside the room. You smile.

"Really, I'm alright." You reassure her. She looks at you with doubt. 

"Hey, you know, I really think you and Lucas would make a great couple." She says, watching your face carefully. The smile on your lips twitch.

"Is that so?" You ask. Athanasia pauses for a minute before smiling brightly. "Of course! Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I need to talk to Lucas about something." She says, before going inside a room and dragging Lucas along with her, The big smile still on her face.

"Oi. Where the hell are you taking me?" Lucas says, as he gets dragged by Athanasia, not noticing you.

Athy opens the door to a random room, pushes Lucas inside and closed the door. Her Big smile fades.

"What the hell? Why did you bring me here?" Lucas asked, annoyed. 

"Something's wrong with Y/n."


"Hahh. I panicked for a moment there. Good thing Lucas didn't notice me." You say, as you breathe a sigh of relief. You looked around. You go to a room and opened it. As soon as you saw who was inside, You smirked. 

Claude was there lying down on the bed, motionless.   

You walk around his room and stop before the portrait of Penelope. You sneered. 

"She cheated on him and he still keeps her picture." You say, before putting the picture down and exploring more of his room.

Finally you reach his bed and stared at his face. 

"Even though you were an illegitimate child, you always looked down on me." You smirk. "Now look who's the more powerful one." You say.

'After this, should I kill the owner of the body? She's annoying and gets on my nerves. Moreover, she's precious to the princess. Will she be able to perform properly if her precious friend died? Oh right. There's no need for that.'

You hold out your hand and summon a small magic circle. Your sword starts appearing from there. You grip it and position your sword right on top of Claude's heart. You smile evilly, your pupil glowing red.

"Goodbye. Your majesty." You say.

Just before you brought down the knife, The door burst open, revealing Athanasia and Lucas. 

"Stay away fro him!" Athanasia says rushing forward.

All of a sudden, you felt a force pushing you down. You use your magic to fight it back, but you couldn't move. Lucas approaches you and grabs your neck and lifts you, strangling you.

"I was going to just capture you because that's what Y/n and Athanasia wanted... But you dared to touch what's mine." Lucas says, his eyes glowing red.

'What's his? Does he mean the girl? This girl is precious to Lucas?' You think.

"I'll make sure you die in the worst way possible." He says. And with that, your eyes rolled behind your head and you passed out.


'It's extremely cold. I can't move. Someone help.. It's so cold.'

You look up to see Athanasia, Jeanette, Ijekiel, Cabel, Enrich, Eugene and Hari. You reach your hand out to them. "Help.." You manage to whimper out. One by one they all started leaving.

"No.. don't leave me" You say, your voice hoarse due to the cold. Ijekiel turns to give you one last look. "I never expected you to do this, Y/n. I'm disappointed in you" He says, before walking away.

'What.. are you talking about?' You wanted to ask, but your voice wouldn't come out.

Everything turns black. You look around to try and figure out where you were. Just then, Lucas steps out of the dark.

"Do you have any idea of what you've done?" He asked, glaring at me. 

"What..?" You ask.

"Don't try to play innocent. You destroyed Obelia." He says. At this point, The cold was so bad that your finger were ready to fall off.

"What.. are y-you talking a-about?" You ask, stuttering due to the cold.

"Since you can't seem to remember, why don't I refresh your memory?" Lucas says, before snapping his fingers.

The scenery changes. It's the obelian empire... Except it's burning down. Not a single thing was spared.

"Do you see this? You caused this." Lucas says.


"It's all your fault."

I'm sorry..

"Because of you, Obelia was destroyed."

I didn't mean it....

Tears stream down your face. 'It's all my fault.. everything is my fault. No wonder they left me. Maybe I should die in this life too-'

"Y/n snap out of it!" A voice cuts through. 


"I need you to wake up!" He says again. Everything including Lucas starts glitching.

I see it now. None of this real. The cold slowly disappears and gets replaced with a familiar warmth. 

Obelia isn't destroyed. Nothing bad happened yet. They didn't leave me. I just need to wake up.

And then, everything turned white.


                                                                                 Author's POV

Lucas looked at the white-haired girl laying on the bed. He seemed to find her in this state a lot nowadays. Her eyebrows started twitching, and she was sweating excessively.

'Is she having a nightmare?' Lucas thought before grabbing her shoulders and pulled her into his arms. 

"Y/n snap out of it." He says. "I need you to wake up." 

She stopped twitching and after a few minutes, Her eyes shot open.

𝕷𝖆𝖉𝖞 𝕶𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 (𝚆𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚙 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now