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The walk to Emily's was fairly short. To Elizabeth, it felt like forever because Jared kept messing with them, asking when the wedding was.

She learned that her and Paul imprinted on eachother, which lead to the revelation of the first double imprint.

"So you're telling me, I'm the first female shifter in all the tribes history?"

"Yeah, basically." Sam replied.

"Well thats one for the history books.... so basically I made history twice in one day?"

"Exactly" Jared said nudging her side, earning a growl from both her and Paul.


Emily welcomed the young girl with open arms and told her how nice it would be to have another girl around for once.

While Emily cleaned up from lunch, Paul, Jared, Elizabeth, and Sam sat in the living room, learning things about the girl. All because one thing she said, threw them all off.
She thought her real last name was black?

"In the woods... you said your name was Elizabeth Black.. but then you said atleast you thought it was. Why?" Sam tried to ask in a comforting tone.

"Da- Billy said that he wasn't really my dad and that Jake wasn't my real brother.. With my luck, he of course told me this on my birthday which resulted in me turning into a big ass wolf." She said running her hands through her messy hair.

"Well my dad being her real dad is out of question. We imprinted on eachother." Paul said stating the obvious, causing Lizzy to roll her eyes at the boy.

"Well it narrows things down" Sam says looking at the girl.

"How?" She asks.

"Billy isn't your dad. Jensen isn't your dad. That only leaves my dad and Quil's dad, maybe Jared's dad. But it would mean that one of the men was unfaithful." Sam said.

The girl just nodded "and my mom could be anyone, right?" She asked earning a nod from the 3 boys in the room.

"Theres two ways to find out. Ask or DNA tests." She says looking around the room.

"I'll see what I can find out" Sam says standing up and going into the kitchen.


The young girl stares out the window of the room shes using at Emily's while she's learning control.

The darkness of the night sky and the frigid rain hammering against the window, made it hard for her to see much else aside from the little light on the pole; which casted a light dim enough where it was calming, yet bright enough you could see.

She closed the curtains and made her way over to the bed where her duffle bag and school bag were laying.
She moved her bookbag to the floor and picked out a pair of black pajama shorts and a white t-shirt, from her duffle bag, before going into the bathroom to change and prepare for bed..

While Jake was at Embry's, Paul went over to the house to grab some of Elizabeth's things.

She got under the warm covers and stared up at the blank white ceiling.
Lizzy was exhausted but couldn't sleep. She glanced over at the clock on her night stand and groaned when it only said 10:33 pm.

She reached over and grabbed her phone, calling the one person who she knew would listen.
The line rang for a moment before his voice came from the other end.

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